Ads on Yulia and buyers are deception. Beware, scammers on Yule

Many of you have ever sold or made purchases.on the free classifieds site OLX / Avito / Yula. Do you know that there are quite a lot of scammers out there who can “deceive” or “cheat” you out of money?

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Doesn't matter , are you a seller or a buyer, how long have you been using OLX / Avito, sooner or later, you may fall for scammers who, using well-developed schemes, can extract at you a large sum of money or at all deprive you of goods! To prevent this from happening, we decided to publish the top ways to scam scammers on OLX / Avito. We will also tell you what to do to avoid getting caught.these traps, all to avoid getting scammed by advertisements!

Have a story? Write in the comments!

Method 1. There are many people who want to buy the product. Make an advance payment?

Story: You find an interesting ad at a low price. Call the seller, ask about the condition of the goods, they assure you that everything is fine, as it should be. There is only one problem, there are a lot of people who want to buy this product and salesman asks you to transfer money (full or partial amount) to his card or phone number in order to book a purchase. The most popular scam on Avito and OLX.


Method 2. Need it urgently, call a taxi

Story: You are selling a product. After some time, you receive a call or write a message that the product is completely suitable and the buyer needs it now. That's why, the buyer called a taxi and if upon examination goods the driver won't find itno flawsthen the buyer will transfer to you money. After which you receive a fake SMS or photo with a deposit in your bank account and you give the goods to the taxi driver.

Method 3. Found the loss. We'll refund you if you transfer money.

Story: You lost your phone or something-or more? You wrote a missing person's notice and b scammers will call you in just a few minutes and will inform you what you found, what you lost. They ask you about your reward And and ask to meet in a public place, and also to turn off the phone (a precaution taken by scammers so that no one else who “found” or who actually found your loss could reach you by phone).

Arriving at the place and turning on the phone,you receive a call in which youthey ask you to go to the payment terminal and top up someone's account. NEVER TRANSFER MONEY TO STRANGERS, INSIST ON A PERSONAL MEETING!

Method 4. Substitution of goods.

This situation can happen to both the seller and the buyer.

Story: You sent a product, the person didn’t like it and He refused it. The parcel was returned to you, you came home, unpacked it, and there instead of your goods May be fake or dummy.

Either you, as a buyer, did not check the parcel at the department for the quality of the goodsand got a scam. ALWAYS CHECK THE GOODS UPON RECEIPT WITHOUT LEAVING THE CHECKOUT!

Method 5. To which account should I transfer money for the goods? Who is the card issued to?

This type of fraud is aimed entirely at sellers.

History: You have put an item up for sale. Scammers in Avito call you and ask about the product, after which they say that they can pay the entire purchase amount right now,but for this the buyer needs to know yours bank card number, expiration date, who it is issued to and three digits on the back side (cvv). After which with all the money in your account disappears. NEVER SHARE YOUR DETAILS OR YOUR CARD DETAILS TO STRANGERS.

Method 5.1. Here is the link to the site to receive money.

Story: Actionssimilar to the method described m higher, but only this time The scammer says that you can receive the money transfer on the website and sends you a link.

On this site you are asked to provide all the information from your bank card; after filling it in, the money disappears from your account.

Method 5.2. Calls from unknown numbers. Prepayment of goods.

The scammer makes several calls from your mobile phone, you call back. The scammer offers to make an advance payment, you give him your card number, after which your phone number is blocked and all the money disappears from your account. NEVER SHARE YOUR DETAILS AND YOUR CARD DETAILS TO STRANGERS!

Method 6. Called and hung up.

History: You have posted an ad for sale. Calls have started to come in that you don’t have time to answer. You call back to this number, after which money starts leaving your mobile account. This May be number of paid services or mobile subscription.

Method 7. Fake website.

The scammer places the product and indicates in the letter that he rarely responds and provides a link to the ad of his wife or husband. You make a deal and pay through the classifieds site. Your money disappears from your credit card.

Why this happened, the whole point is that the link to the ad was fake, but designed to resemble the original site.

Method 8. Reducing the price. Blackmail.

History: You sent the goods by cash on delivery. Buyer, upon arrival of the parcel, asks to reduce its cost, because he has no money if the product is not expensive, but voluminous(as a result, the return will be expensive or not justified) then many agree.

Method 9. Non-working product.

Story: You buy a product, but in factit turns out to be inoperative.

Method 10. Third party.

A very difficult way and understand who is a scammer is hard.

Story: A fraudster finds a product at a good price, asks the seller for the card number s , for the purpose of payment. Creates a similar ad at the same price, finds the victim, gives her details for payment. The victim pays the parcel, and the scammer receives it.

Method 11. Send the product and your photofrompassports.

History: Typically, This is done on expensive goods. The fraudster agreed to deliver the goods by cash on delivery. Besides, asked to make a copy of your passport and send it her by e-mail.After which the fraudster picks up the goods , the parcel is returned back to your department. At this moment, the fraudster comes to the post office and takes your goods with fake documents.

Method 11.1. Calls from unknown numbers. Prepayment of goods.

Story: A stranger contacts you via messenger, the number is foreign, asking you to help send your goods abroad, make a surprise, or something else. Payment by card. The “buyer” asks you, the seller, to send him your contact information - phone number, card number, email. After receiving this data, the fraudulent “buyer” hacks you and steals money from your account.

Method 12. Apple ID.

Users selling Apple equipment should be wary of this scheme. It's also worth paying attention to Android users, as Google has a similar flaw.

History: You place an advertisement for the sale of an iPhone, there is a buyer, and you send a parcel. The buyer returns the goods. When returning, you notice that the Apple ID (iCloud) is already under a different user or there is a password (fingerprint). You call an unsuccessful buyer, and he demands a big discount on the phone or money on his account in order for him to send you the correct password.

Method 13. Laptop with top specifications for ridiculous money

And they put the device on the notice board. You are purchasing complete junk at an inflated price.

Method 14. Great car, but located abroad.

History: The “seller” puts the car up for sale in excellent condition, in fact it turns out that it is abroad, he, as an intermediary, will connect you with buyers.

You go abroad with money, where they are already waiting for you, but not without a car, but with something firearms.

What is necessaryknowso as not to fall into the trap of scammers andswindlers,don't lose moneyorproduct?

It is impossible to insure yourself 100% against such fraudulent schemes, but you canReduce your risks with these tips:

  1. Check the phone number of your interlocutor in Google or Yandex search, if you see sites that say that this number is a scammer, close the deal.
  2. Always ask in detail about the package - what drivers are installed, as well as ask show the results of the program (if it is electronics), specify yayte who used it goods, how long, what included, whether there is a warranty card.
  3. Always ask for more e photographs and from different angles.
  4. No prepayments.
  5. Check message board links
  6. Check
  7. Never send bank card details, not any at all.
  8. If you didn’t listen and they made an “advance payment” and sent you “checks”, then before anythingor send, call the bank andcheck if the payment has been received
  9. Do not send passport details never!

Do you still have additional questions? Ask them in the comments, tell us what worked for you or vice versa!

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Recently, scams have been gaining popularity on Avito, Yula and other similar sites, in which bona fide stores that provide courier delivery of goods are unwittingly involved.

Deception scheme

You find the product you are interested in and write off or call the seller. He says that he cannot deliver the goods himself, but will send a courier in his place, but there is no need to worry: you will pay only after inspecting the goods, if everything suits you. Then he says that he does not trust the courier, so the money will need to be transferred to a bank card. And gives her number.

You meet the courier, inspect the goods and are ready to pay for it. The courier tells you to transfer money, and you transfer it to the scammer’s account. The courier calls his boss, finds out that the payment has not arrived, checks the card number and says that the money was transferred to the wrong account. The courier leaves, and you are left without money and without goods. Or you call the police and give an explanation together with the courier.

What's left behind the scenes

The fraudster ordered the product you selected to your address, then called the store and agreed to pay by transferring money from card to card between individuals (many stores selling gray goods work this way). When they call him, he will call you and say that the courier has arrived. Now all he has to do is wait for the funds to arrive and hope for your inattention, and also for the fact that the courier was told that they called you and you know which card the money should be transferred to and exactly how much.

How to avoid getting caught?

Now that you know about such a scheme, the offer to deliver the goods by courier should alert you. But even if you agree to this method of purchase, find out from the courier whose product it is (a person from Avito or from a certain store), and find out how you can pay for it. Most likely, the product will be new, more expensive, and there are several ways to pay for it, and among them there is no transfer of money to the fraudster’s card.

Recently, someone shared information that supposedly there is an opportunity to get Bosco Olympic equipment for free. It turns out that there are such advertisements on

I became curious, decided to ask, and this is the dialogue that resulted:

Hello! Can you find out more about receiving Bosco equipment?

Delivery by courier in Moscow and the region - 350 rubles. Pickup. The warehouse is located at 5 Yubileynaya Street, floor 1, first door on the left, “freeland” sign. Open on weekdays from 9 to 18.

The ad says it's free - right? Yubileynaya - is it in Mytishchi?

Right. Chekhov.

How to order a courier and how many items can I order?

Write your address, telephone number, pay for delivery and the courier will deliver it to you. One item with delivery 350, two 700, etc.

Who and where should I pay?

Us. Personalized Sberbank card.

Is it possible for the courier?

Alas, no. They order from us both 3000 orders and 4000 orders. Everyone is happy with everything and we don’t give a reason not to trust us.

And who are you? Can I contact you by phone?

There is no worker. I don’t give personal information to everyone.
If you order delivery, order it, if not, say so.

What kind of establishment is freeland?

This is not an establishment. This is the name of the future project, which is in the final stages of development and will begin its official operation in November of this year.

Where should I pay?

What will you order in the end?!
Sizes please.


Delivery payment information:
Sberbank personal card number 4276 3800 6404 4550
The amount to be paid is 350 rubles.
After paying for delivery, send a receipt for payment for the transaction.
After verification of payment, the courier will contact you.


Below I attach screenshots of this dialogue.

Here's a scam for paid "delivery" of free cranes in the sky)))

These guys' ads don't stay up for long - they get closed, but they post them again under different names. At the indicated address on Yubileinaya Street in Chekhov there is a private sector and judging by the panoramas of Google and Yandex, you will not find any “Freeland” sign there, either now or in the promised November)). Apparently, they are counting on the fact that because of small amounts no one will contact the police, and this way they can defraud the gullible Pinocchio for as long as they like.

I'll try to send this material to the Sberbank security service. Maybe they can explain to the cardholder that he is doing something wrong.

I wonder how many people have ordered “delivery” from them?

UPD: Apparently, the Sber security service did work, after a written request to them with a link to this article - the card indicated in the article was blocked.

Fraud is gaining momentum on Avito, which combines social engineering, suggestion, sophisticated cunning, appeal to sympathy and banal deception. As a rule, scammers put up for sale a product that is in high demand and lure people in with a low price.

The scheme works as follows: you see a product that you may have wanted to purchase for a long time, write to the seller, and he is ready to sell it to you at an attractive price - 1.5-2 times lower than in other places. Of course, this looks suspicious, and you can ask the seller to send additional photographs of the goods, passport, bank card, or provide some information about his place of residence (to check it with those who are there, for example, through social networks). You receive completely reliable answers to all questions and then, it would seem, the time has come to make a deal.

The catch is that the scammer acts as an intermediary between you and the real seller of the product you are interested in. He caught you with a low price (much lower than the one offered by the real seller) and forwarded all your requests and questions to the seller, and then forwarded the answers to you.

What follows is even more interesting. Once you agree on a purchase, you transfer the money not to the scammer, but to the real seller. Next, the scammer makes a scene and tells the seller that he cannot make a purchase (for example, there is a sudden need to spend money on treatment). The merchant “returns” the money to the scammer’s card, perhaps even keeping some for themselves as compensation for the trouble. The fraudster gets your money, you are left without money and without goods, and the seller seems to lose nothing, but now he risks being a suspect in a fraud case, because you will go to the police to complain about him. During this time, the criminal will have time to cash out the card, which, most likely, was issued through a SIM card registered to a dummy.

To protect yourself from such deception, pay attention to a few things. The first thing that should arouse suspicion is the low price, the second is the seller’s place of residence. Fraudsters usually indicate as their location some small city tens of kilometers from the center. The calculation is that the buyer will not want to go there and will not have friends there to meet the seller and inspect the goods. Third, scammers require prepayment and usually do not agree to send the goods with payment after the buyer sees the sending process recorded on video or at least an inventory of the attachment certified by mail or a transport company. You can also check the seller’s honesty by entering his phone number. If he is registered in a region other than that indicated in his profile on Avito, this is a good reason to be wary.

When you are interested in some expensive or rare product, do not be lazy to look for other offers on Avito. Perhaps among them there will be the same thing with the same photographs, only in a different city and at a higher price - this was put up by the real seller who the scammer was attached to.

And she"s buying a stairway to heaven (c)

Comrades, I found myself in an absolutely stupid situation - I was scammed like a first-grader.

I’m selling some unnecessary things on Yulia and a girl writes to me and is interested in several things at once. We quickly arrange a meeting, she first clarifies whether it will be possible to transfer payment by bank transfer. I answer that no problem. When we meet, the girl plays out a scene that the purchase is not for her, but for her sister, and now she will transfer the payment from home through a Qiwi wallet. I dictate the card number, I see how my interlocutor sends it by SMS to her “sister” and after a couple of minutes she receives a response that “everything is ok, the transfer is completed” and a screenshot of the payment. The girl gives me a screenshot - it looks absolutely normal, the card number is mine, there is a note about the operation. I have no notification of arrival. We sit with the girl a little longer, waiting for the money to fall to me, she’s all so smiling, chatting about the brand of cosmetics that I brought her, everything is so sweet and friendly.. After 5 minutes she herself says “somehow you won’t have money for a long time.” are being received,” calls his sister (or pretends to) and finds out that yes, it happens that transfers through Qiwi sometimes hang and take several hours. I have only the slightest idea about this payment system, but I heard that they have such problems, and besides, the girl looks at me with such sincere eyes, so I have no reason to doubt her honesty at all and we part with smiles and an agreement that if suddenly the payment does not go through, we will call her and decide everything.

Of course, I never received the payment. Not in a few hours, not in a few days. No one answered my calls, the messages were read, but also remained unanswered. Until the last moment I believed in the sincerity of the situation, I googled about the Qiwi wallet, found information that in some cases transfers to the card from it took up to five working days, I calmed myself down... until I once again climbed onto the profile of this girl on Yulia and I saw 2 fresh negative reviews there from people as naive as me (before our meeting with her, she had three “five-star” reviews, no negativity). In general, it turned out that there were at least three of us, scammed by the same system. I corresponded with one of the women who wrote on her page, with her the situation was the same - calls to the “sister”, and a Qiwi wallet, and a payment screen...

A terrible anger is bubbling inside me, not even because of the lost money (it’s a penny), but precisely because of the situation itself. For the first time in my life I encountered such deception, how much I sold and bought online - I never had any problems with anyone! And here it’s just some kind of hellish scheme, and it’s not an isolated case... In general, firstly, I want to warn everyone who is involved in buying and selling through applications such as Yula, Avito, etc., and secondly, it’s interesting - Is it possible to somehow try to attract these scammers? They are very young, no older than 18-20 years old, and perhaps precisely because of their youth they do not take too much fire - for example, they operate in the same area (Profsoyuznaya / Academicheskaya).
Through GetContact, the phone number I called on is determined to be Alina Zagoruiko, and Yulia’s profile was Anastasia Z., i.e. perhaps these are indeed two sisters with the same last name.
At the very beginning of the correspondence, I asked where she lived (just in case, because sometimes it happened that we ended up almost neighbors with sellers/buyers) - she wrote “Novocheremushkinskaya, 27” without hesitation and I’m almost sure that the address is correct, or as close as possible - she could name, for example, the house next door to her own. In any case, we met her in the park between the metro and this house - she came from the right direction and the time it took her to get there was approximately the same.
I already had thoughts of contacting her again, but what would I do with her? Not to knock on the head, but I would like to
In general, I am putting the situation out there for everyone to see - at a minimum, to warn everyone (especially residents of this area), and secondly, maybe someone has found themselves in similar situations and found a solution?

While I was trying to find some mention of such fraud on the Internet, I found a site where in a minute you can make up a fake screenshot of a Qiwi payment (and like other payment systems too), which apparently these girls use. The question is, where the hell is Roskomnadzor in such cases?
