"The Mystery of the Electric Circuit" Summary of joint activities with children of the senior group Topic: “In the world of technology Summary of a lesson with a designer expert

Irina Morozova

February there was a new one in the group constructor. Egor said that he has one like this at home constructor and dad taught him how to assemble the circuits indicated in the instructions. paying special attention to observing the location of the pluses and minuses on the parts. In just a few days, the children mastered the procedure for assembling “circuits” and learned that a circuit could contain a light bulb, a fan, a bell, and much more. The circuit can be closed either manually or with a magnet. And this causes sincere delight in children. The principle is very simple: Bright parts are installed on a plastic board, the connections look and work like snap fasteners on clothes, children can easily handle them. All elements are numbered, which allows you to determine the purpose and name of the part from the instructions. The colors of the parts match the colors on the diagrams. Constructor interested not only boys, girls are engaged with no less interest. Now they are already trying to assemble their own circuits.

Publications on the topic:

My mom is the most beautiful! -Mom is affectionate! -Mommy is very kind and caring! -My beloved mom! These are the words the children spoke about their own.

Every child in his small and bright life has a favorite activity, business. Some people like to play with dolls, others have a talent for dancing.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! The bustling, holiday-filled January season has flown by! Christmas trees and toys have been put away for storage.

This is an unusual hat I made. I created it from materials at hand. The main part, the one that follows.

Finally, after a long slush, snow fell - white, fluffy, unusually mysterious. He attracts both adults and children. From the moment.

Drawing with handprints is a very fun and interesting activity for a child of any age. For both children and adults.

We congratulate you on a holy, wonderful Christmas from the bottom of our hearts! In the vastness of heaven, a star floats in silence. Christmas! This is the most mysterious and magical.

The children of the preparatory group and I conducted a GCD Topic: “Water and its properties” Where the children and I determined that water has no odor and is colorless.

Target: Generalizing children's knowledge about different types of equipment - household, industrial, technical toys.

  1. Clarify the concept of “technology”, highlight the functions: facilitates, speeds up work, leads to high-quality results.
  2. Practice the ability to compare equipment according to its intended purpose.
  3. Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize.
  4. Develop the ability to formulate conclusions.
  5. Develop the ability to negotiate, listen to peers’ answers and complement them.
  6. Practice your ability to work with a diagram.

Expected results: Children distinguish technology from other man-made objects, highlight its functions, name different types of equipment (household, industrial) according to their characteristic features, formulate conclusions, and reach agreements when performing joint work.

Principles for selecting content:



Integrations .

Principle of organizing educational activities:

  • solving problems in the conditions of the leading type of activity - games;
  • activity approach.

Progress of joint activities

Motivational-stimulating stage.

Guys, we have received a video letter via email from the Rifey children's and youth center in Perm, let's watch it (watch a video where the head of the “Young Technician” club invites children to take part in an exhibition of technical devices).

Let's be inventors like children? (Children's answers.)

Organizational and practical stage.

Then we need to figure out what technology is? Some appliances cannot be plugged into the outlet. They work from chargers: batteries and accumulators. Scientists say that technology is tools, devices, machines that, when turned on and controlled, perform certain actions and help a person in life. Let's look at different types of technology. Let's go to the table, select a picture depicting equipment. It turns out that the technique is different:

  • Exists household(home) appliances are appliances for the home. Let us denote it by the symbol (symbol on the easel);
  • In addition to home appliances, there is equipment that makes a person’s work easier at work, it is called production. Let's designate it like this (symbol);
  • Guys, what is this? Toys (items for play). Adults create for children technical toys . Let's denote them with this symbol (symbol).

Place your picture under the appropriate symbol (children distribute equipment among easels).

Let's see what happened? Why is this equipment classified as household equipment? ( used at home). Why was this equipment considered industrial? (used in production, at work). What pictures were placed under the symbol “technical toy”?

Why didn’t you take a matryoshka doll and pencils?

This is what wonderful technology surrounds us! I wonder what items replaced modern technology in the past and what will be in the future?

Game exercise “What happened and what will happen?”

Look at the screen. What is this? (Automobile.)

What did the person travel on before the car? (Horse.)

And now in front of you is the car of the future.

(A spoon is a mixer - and what will replace the mixer in the future is a robot.) Guys, why do people constantly invent new, more modern equipment? What is it for? (Shows diagram.) Generalization: to facilitate, speed up and get better results.

Let's check it out. Are these items familiar to you? (Masher and blender.)

What do we use them for? Let's check these items in action. Grind the berries to prepare fruit juice. I will work with a blender, because... Only adults can use equipment in kindergarten, but even adults must follow the rules for using household appliances:

Do not allow water to come into contact with household appliances;

When disconnecting a household appliance, do not pull the cord;

Also, do not allow kinks on the cords of household appliances.

I suggest timing the time using a timer - a kitchen alarm clock - and at the same time crushing the berries with a masher (child) and blender (teacher). While working with the blender, the teacher conducts a situational conversation.

See in which cup the berries are completely crushed? Why? So, how to use a blender? (Shows diagram.) A blender is needed to make it easier, faster and get better results.

We talked a lot about technology, let's collect technical devices for the exhibition! We will work using an electronic constructor. There are many of you, but only four designers, what are we going to do? I suggest pairing up in pairs based on the color of their badges. (couples stand up). You have already worked in pairs more than once, here are the rules that will help you organize your work correctly and achieve results (the teacher distributes four rule diagrams and disperses to the tables). We, as adult inventors, will assemble a technical device according to the diagram. It is to this base that you need to attach the elements of the diagram, corresponding in color and numbers. I will be your consultant, contact me if you need my help. We will measure the time for work with a timer.

Control and diagnostic

The time for assembling technical devices is over, let's see what we got. (Work with electronic constructors “Connoisseur”; the teacher checks all circuits and devices in action: bell, fan, lamp, alarm.)

How did you work to get this result? Can our devices be called technology? Discussion with children.

Olesya Krotova
Additional education program “Learning by playing”



Developed by a teacher: Krotova O. V.

Explanatory note

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the content has been updated education, namely, program of our preschool institution is aimed at individualization and socialization educational process, where the child becomes the subject education, active in choosing the content of their education. To teach a child to want to be successful is the main task of a 21st century kindergarten, to create all the necessary conditions for his development. And it is imperative to organize parents, create conditions for the development of parents’ motivation to take part in education their children - preschoolers.

The lives of modern children take place in a rapidly changing world, which places serious demands on them. How to ensure that children’s knowledge acquired in kindergarten helps children later in school. The organization of activities is based on a natural interest in the development and construction of various mechanisms. Variety of constructors"Connoisseur" allows you to work with students of different ages and in different areas (design, programming, modeling of physical processes and phenomena).

An important task today is to develop a child’s interest in inventive, rationalization, research activities, and technical creativity. This difficult task, first of all, requires the creation of special learning conditions. In this regard, great importance is assigned to design.

Design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as a component of the mandatory part programs, a type of activity that promotes the development of children's research and creative activity, as well as the ability to observe and experiment.

Construction, as a favorite activity for children, is not only exciting, but also very useful. When a child builds, he must focus on some the image of that, what will happen, so design develops creative thinking and imagination, and also in the process the physical improvement of the child is carried out.

Designers "Connoisseur" allow you to get the first information about the world of electricity and electronics. The developers of these construction sets managed to make a toy and a visual aid that allows you to explore the world in a playful way.

The development of the constructors was carried out by the famous jack of all trades, leading programs"Crazy hands" Andrey Bakhmetyev. The designer has been tested by time and tens of thousands of children and adults. Since 2002, it has been recognized in Russia as the most popular construction set for children.

First of all, this type of design is aimed at developing the following processes:

1. Mental development: formation of spatial thinking, creative imagination, long-term memory.

2. Physiological development: development of arm muscles and skeletal system, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.

3. Speech development: activation of active and passive vocabulary, building monologue and dialogic speech.

Tasks programs:


Introduce the basic simple principles of design;

Study the types of structures and connections of parts;

Build a skill transform necessary information based on various information technologies (graphic text, drawing, diagram) and produce simple structures and simple mechanisms;

Increase interest in directly educational activities through the constructor "Connoisseur".


Promote the development of children's creative abilities and logical thinking;

Form figurative thinking and ability to express one’s ideas;

Develop figurative and spatial thinking, imagination, creative activity, as well as fine motor skills of the hands, consistency in performing actions;

Stimulate interest in experimentation and design as a meaningful search and cognitive activity.


Cultivate attention, accuracy, determination;

To promote the acquisition of communicative competence through the organization of joint productive activities, to instill skills in working in a group, in pairs;

Moral education.

Implementation deadlines programs.

This program designed for one year of study with children 6-7 years old. The total duration of training is 56 lessons during the academic year. Classes 2 times a week in the afternoon lasting 25 minutes, as well as integration of content with other educational areas. Monitoring of children is carried out 2 times a year in September and May.

Duration and quantity classes:

Children aged 6-7 years – 25 minutes, 2 lessons per week


This the program is relevant, which opens up the world of technology for a preschooler. Construction, more than other activities, sets the stage for the development of children's technical abilities.

Constructor "Connoisseur" combines elements of play with experimentation, and, therefore, activates the mental and speech activity of preschool children, develops design abilities and technical thinking, imagination and communication skills, promotes interpretation and self-expression, expands horizons, allows you to raise the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers to a higher level, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.

The use of this construction set is an excellent tool for the intellectual development of preschool children, ensuring the integration of various types of activities. Program is integrated in nature and is based on an activity-based approach to learning.

Novelty program is, which allows preschoolers, in the form of cognitive activity, to reveal practical feasibility of design, develop the acquired skills and abilities necessary in later life. Integration of various educational areas in additional education« Learning by playing» opens up opportunities for preschoolers to implement new concepts, master new skills and expand their range of interests.

Program is aimed not so much at teaching children complex methods of fastening parts, but at creating conditions for self-expression of the child’s personality. Every child loves and wants play, but ready-made toys deprive the child of the opportunity to create on his own. This construction set opens up a new world for the child, providing an opportunity in the process of work to acquire such social qualities as curiosity, activity, independence, responsibility, mutual understanding, skills of productive cooperation, and increasing self-esteem through awareness "I can, I can", setting a positive mood, relieving emotional and muscle tension. The ability to use instructions and drawings, diagrams is developed, and logical, design thinking is formed.

During educational activities, children become builders, architects and creators, playing, they come up with and implement their ideas.

Pedagogical expediency

Pedagogical feasibility of the program is due to the development of children's design abilities through practical skills. A number of special tasks for observation, comparison, conjecture, and fantasy serve to achieve this.

To teach children how to design, I will use various methods and techniques.

Methods Techniques

Visual Examination of finished buildings in class, demonstration of fastening methods, techniques for selecting parts by size, shape, color, methods of holding them in the hand or on the table.

Information-receptive Inspection of parts, which involves connecting various analyzers (visual and tactile) to get acquainted with the form, determine the spatial relationships between them (on, under, left, right). Joint activity of teacher and child.

Reproductive Reproduction of knowledge and methods of activity ( form: collecting models and designs by sample, conversation, analog exercises)

Practical use by children in practice of the knowledge gained and the work techniques they have seen.

Verbal Brief description and explanation of actions, accompaniment and demonstration samples, different model options.

Problematic Statement of the problem and search for a solution. Creative use of ready-made tasks (subjects, independent transformation.

Gaming Using the plot of games to organize children's activities, characters to play out the plot.

Partial search Solving problem problems with the help of a teacher.

Planned development results programs for children 6-7 years old:

Personal results include the formation of the following skills:

Assess life situations (actions, phenomena, events) from the point of view of one's own feelings (phenomena, events);

Name and explain your feelings and sensations, explain your attitude to actions from the position of universal moral values;

To realize your own ideas independently and creatively

Meta-subject results are the formation of the following universal educational actions (UUD):

Cognitive UUD:

Identify, distinguish and name construction parts,

Design according to the conditions set by adults, according to sample, according to the drawing, according to a given scheme and build the scheme yourself.

Navigate your system knowledge: distinguish the new from the already known.

Recycle received information: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole group, compare and group objects and their images.

Regulatory UUD:

Be able to work according to the instructions provided.

The ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, defend one’s point of view, analyze a situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning.

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

Communicative UUD:

Be able to work in pairs and in a team; be able to talk about the construction.

Be able to work on a project in a team and effectively distribute responsibilities.

Children will have ideas:

About the designer details "Connoisseur" and methods of their connections;

On the stability of models depending on their shape and weight distribution;

On the dependence of the strength of a structure on the method of connecting its individual elements;

On the connection between the form of a structure and its functions.

Results presentation form

Open classes for preschool teachers and parents;

Design exhibitions;

Competitions, competitions, festivals.

Material and technical equipment educational process

constructors "Connoisseur" (by number of children);

technological maps, book with instructions;

computers (according to the number of children, projector, screen.

GCD structure

The first part of the lesson is an exercise to develop logical thinking.

The purpose of the first part is to develop the elements of logical thinking.

The main tasks are:

Improving classification skills.

Training in the analysis of logical patterns and the ability to make correct conclusions based on the analysis.

Development of memory and attention.

Introduction to sets and symmetry principles.

Development of combinatorial abilities.

Strengthening spatial orientation skills.

The second part is the actual design.

The purpose of the second part is to develop visual modeling abilities.

Main goals:

Development of the ability to analyze an object, highlight its characteristic features, main functional parts, and establish a connection between their purpose and structure.

Learning to plan the process of creating your own model and a joint project.

Stimulating constructive imagination when creating a building according to one’s own design, on a proposed or freely chosen topic.

Formation of the ability to act in accordance with the instructions of the teacher and convey the features of objects using the designer.

Development of speech and communication abilities.

The third part is a play on the buildings, an exhibition of works.

To determine the readiness of children to work with the constructor and learn programs« Learning by playing» , 2 times a year, diagnostics were carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the children based on the diagnostic card. It allows you to determine the level of development of physical and intellectual abilities, find an individual approach to each child during classes, select the level of difficulty of tasks individually for each child, based on the zone of proximal development.

Thematic plan. Educational activities with children 6-7 years old

Subject GCD Contents of work Quantity

class time

1 Introduction to the electronic designer "Connoisseur" Give children an idea of ​​the origin of the designer and its developer. 1 25

2 World of electronics (introduction to types of parts). LAMP Continue to introduce children to the parts of the construction set and the various ways to attach them.

When the switch is closed, the lamp lights up. It goes out when the switch opens. 1 25

3 Lamp controlled by a magnet Activate attention and memory. Develop cognitive interest and communication skills.

Lamp model controlled by magnet 1 25

4 Sound controlled lamp Sound controlled lamp model 1 25

5 Dimmable lamp Lamp model that changes brightness 1 25

6 Time-delay lamp Time-delay lamp model 1 25

7 Two lamps, ignited by a stream of air Model of two lamps, driven by air 1 25

8 Sensor-controlled dual lamps Twin lamp model. Sensor controlled 1 25

9 Electric fan Operating fan model 1 25

10 Magnet-controlled fan Magnetic-controlled fan 1 25

11 Air-controlled fan Air-controlled fan 1 25

12 Sensor-controlled fan Sensor-controlled fan 1 25

13 Fan stopped by light Fan model stopped by light 1 25

14 Time-delay fan Model of time-delay fan 1 25

15 Flying propeller Model of a propeller. Learn to launch a propeller 1 25

16 Musical doorbell Manually operated musical doorbell 1 25

17 Loud doorbell loud manual doorbell 1 25

18 Musical Magnet Controlled Doorbell Magnet Controlled Doorbell Model 1 25

19 Air blast operated musical doorbell Air flow operated bell model 1 25

20 Light and sound bell with manual control Light and sound bell with manual control 1 25

21 Police car horns Model making police car sounds 1 25

22 Police car horns, accompanied by lights Model making police car sounds, accompanied by lights 1 25

23 Police car horns (sensor control) Model of police car signals activated by sensor 1 25

24 Fire truck signals

Model that makes fire engine sounds 1 25

25 Fire engine signals, accompanied by light Model making fire engine sounds, accompanied by light 1 25

26 Ambulance sounds Model making ambulance sounds 1 25

27 Ambulance sounds, accompanied by light Model making ambulance sounds, accompanied by light 1 25

28 Star Wars (manual control) Model of Star Wars sounds controlled by hand. We get the sounds of various weapons, and the lamp lights up 1 25

29 Star Wars (magnet control) Model of magnetically controlled Star Wars sounds. We get the sounds of various weapons, and the lamp lights up 1 25

30 Star Wars (air control) Model of star wars sounds activated by a stream of air 1 25

31 Star Wars (sensor control) Model of Star Wars sounds triggered by sensor 1 25

32 Sounds of a motor ship Model that makes the sounds of a motor ship 1 25

33 Sounds of a large motor ship Model that makes the sounds of a large motor ship 1 25

34 Bell Sounds Model making bell sounds 1 25

35 Simple flashing lamp Flashing lamp model 1 25

36 Music radio station Radio model, manual control (find a radio station) 1 25

37 Radio with volume control Radio model, with manual volume control 1 25

38 Red and Green LEDs LED Model (Red Green). Tanning at the same time. 1 25

39 Quiet mosquito squeak Model that produces a mosquito squeak 1 25

40 Loud mosquito squeak Loud mosquito squeak model 1 25

41 Sensor-controlled mosquito squeak Mosquito squeak model activated by sensor 1 25

42 Light-controlled mosquito squeak Light-activated mosquito squeak model 1 25

43 Sound of a police whistle Model making the sound of a police whistle, 1 25

44 Air driven lamp Lamp model extinguished by a jet of air 1 25

45 Machine gun sounds Model that makes the sound of a machine gun 1 25

46 Sounds of a machine gun accompanied by light A model that produces the sounds of a machine gun accompanied by light

47 Enhanced audible alarm Manual enhanced audible alarm model 1 25

48 Security alarm, motion-triggered alarm model, motion-triggered 1 25

49 Musical light-triggered security alarm model of light-triggered music alarm 1 25

50 Simple automatic street lamp Manual street lamp model 1 25

51 Lie detector Manual lie detector 1 25

52 Safety alarm with one lamp Safety alarm model with one lamp, manually operated 1 25

53 Safety alarm with one lamp Safety alarm model with one lamp, manually operated 1 25

54 Fast flashing LED Flashing LED model 1 25

55 Sound indicator of darkness Model of sound indicator responsive to darkness 1 25

56 Megaphone If you blow or say something into the microphone, the sound will be amplified by speaker 1 25

List of used literature:

1. T. V. Luss Formation of skills in constructive play activities in children using LEGO. – Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2009.

2. E. V. Feshina "Lego construction in kindergarten" A manual for teachers. – M.: ed. Sphere, 2012.

3. M. S. Ishmakova M. S. Design in preschool education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard All-Russian Educational and Methodological Center educational robotics. – M.: Publishing house. - polygraph center"Mask", 2013.

4. O. V. Dybina, “We create, we change, convert / O. V. Dybina. – M.: Creative Center "Sphere", 2002

5. L. V. Kutsakova, Design and artistic work in kindergarten / L. V. Kutsakova. – M.: Creative Center "Sphere", 2005

6. M. A. Vasilyeva, Gerbova V. V., Komarova T. S. « Program education and training in kindergarten"// Moscow, Mosaic-Sintez, 2010

7. L. A. Wenger Education and training (preschool age): textbook allowance / P. A. Wenger. - M.: Academy, 2009. -230 p.

8. A. N. Davidchuk “Development of constructive creativity in preschoolers”// Moscow, "Education", 2010

9. L. S. Kiseleva Danilina T. A. ,. Lagoda T. S., Zuikova M. B. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional - arr. “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”// Arkti Publishing House, Moscow, 2010

10. Lishtvan Z. V. "Construction"//Moscow, "Education", 2010

11. The world around us: Book projects: Tutorial. - Retelling from English. -M.: Int, 2008.

12. Paramonova L. A. "Children's creative design"// Publishing House "Karapuz", Moscow 2012

13. Paramonova L. A. “Theory and methodology of creative design in kindergarten”// from "Academy, 2002

14. S. I. Volkova "Construction", - M: "Education", 2009.

15. Center "Preschool childhood" them. A. V. Zaporozhets "Basic program development of a preschool child"// Publishing House "Karapuz", Moscow, 1997

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 88"

Short-term educational internship

Call (electronic designer “Connoisseur”)

(Secondary and preparatory group)

Educator: Virginia Zigmantovna Girtaite


Educational program passport

Short-term educational practice

1 lesson.

Bicycle call.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher walks around the group with a bell and rings it. Attracts children's attention.


I wonder where the sound is coming from?

He turns the bell in his hands and tries to look inside.


Guys, are you wondering how the call works?, how can we control the sound?


Yes, interestingly, we ourselves can make different sounds.


I suggest you make the call yourself



Children offer their options on how to make a call.


I want to introduce you to an unusual designer. It's called "The Connoisseur".

He brings construction sets into the group, and the children sit at the tables. They open them and examine them.


Why do you think it has this name?

Children's answers.

Do you guys understand this constructor? Is it similar to the constructors we have in our group?

Children's answers.


The guys in front of us are presented with elements with the help of which we can assemble a circuit, using the same principle, engineers (scientists) assembled our bell, it’s just that their parts are small, and ours are large.

But first, let's study what the parts are called. You can pick them up, look at them, twist them, twirl them, BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO PLACE THEM IN THE CELL IN WHICH THIS PART WAS LOCATED.


Let's start studying. Guys, how do the parts differ from each other?


Color, size, and inscription



We will call the blue parts wires. And the points on them are called connecting terminals.

We also need a red part, a loudspeaker (speaker) and a battery (it is important that the teacher demonstrates each part, and the children find it in their sets). Guys, remember where each part is, this is important.

Also, when collecting sound, like in a call, we will need a Green switch. We don't need the rest of the details. They are needed to collect other circuits. (Pages 2 and 3 instructions). Children also need to be told the rules on page 1. (1 and 2)

Guys, today I introduced you to an interesting constructor, we looked at all the details, and now I will show you how to assemble a bell. The teacher begins to collect, the children, if desired, can also collect after the teacher (If the children are prepared). And now I invite you to try our detail in action. Children take turns pressing the button and a sound is made. They share their impressions.

Our acquaintance with the designer has come to an end for today. I suggest assembling the construction sets, making sure that all the details are in their places.

Expected Result

Knowledge of doorbell circuit assembly

Lesson 2.

Designer expert (one for 2 children is possible)

Instructions (diagrams) for the designer “Connoisseur”

Bicycle call.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, today I brought you the “Connoisseur” construction set. Let's remember the diagram of what item we made? What are the construction parts called?

Children's answers.

And now I suggest you repeat my scheme for a simple doorbell.

Open page 8 of the instructions and begin assembly.

The teacher pronounces each step.

Now we have completed the assembly, let's press the button and check if we have connected everything correctly.

Guys, what difficulties did you experience in assembling the call?

Children's answers.

Now let's look at our diagrams and don't forget to put each part in its own cell.

Expected Result

Assembled doorbell circuit.

Lesson 3.

Designer expert (one for 2 children is possible)

Instructions (diagrams) for the designer “Connoisseur”

Bicycle call.

Simple call




Progress of the lesson

Guys, look how many calls I have, let's look at them. All of them are controlled by pressing a button or lever. Did you know that you can make a call that is controlled by water? Children's answers.

Today we will make such a call to you. But instead of a green switch, we need a touch plate (yellow). The teacher must demonstrate the detail.

Let's take the “Connoisseur” constructor and open the diagram of a familiar call, page 8

Let's start assembling. The teacher comments on his every step.

Now we have put together a diagram of what we will need to launch if we made a “water-controlled doorbell”.

Children's answers.

I suggest looking at how it works first. The teacher first drips a drop of water onto his model. Then he offers to do it for the children.

Guys, which call did you like better? Which call has a more complex circuit? Children's answers.

Now let's look at our diagrams and don't forget to put each part in its own cell. And today it is important to wipe the part with a rag on which water has been dripped.

Expected Result

Assembled diagram of a water-controlled doorbell.

Lesson 4.

Designer expert (one for 2 children is possible)

Instructions (diagrams) for the designer “Connoisseur”

Bicycle call.

Simple call

Bell or other bells.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, what kind of calls did we collect? How were they controlled?

Children's answers.

Today I suggest you assemble a circuit for a sound-controlled doorbell. What sound can we use? Children's answers. Correctly, we can clap our hands loudly, or shout loudly.

To do this, we need a new part, called a piezo emitter (yellow)

We begin by assembling the bell that is already familiar to us, now we connect the piezo emitter between terminals A and B.

Let's try how it works for us.

Guys, we met the designer “Connoisseur”. Tell us what the parts are called, diagrams of what objects we made, what we controlled? Children's answers.

The teacher summarizes all lessons.

Expected Result

Assembled circuit of a sound-controlled doorbell.

Municipal autonomous preschool

educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 103"

I approve

L.I. Byakova

Head of MADOU

"Kindergarten No. 103"

Additional educational program

for children of senior preschool age to an electronic constructor


(implementation period 1 year)

Prepared and developed:

teacher of group No. 5

Radosteva Tatyana Nikolaevna –

Explanatory note

Direction of the additional educational program

The additional education program “Electrical Engineering” is intended for students interested in modern electronic equipment, new technical achievements, and developing the qualities inherent in a creative personality. The main objective of the association is to formulate sustainable interests of children and adolescents in technical creativity, help in finding a favorite activity, choosing a future profession and life path.

Relevance, pedagogical expediency

The modern development of electronics with the beginning of mass production of integrated circuits has led to the fact that electronic components and assemblies are now widely used in many technical devices, even where other physical principles have traditionally been used. The scope of their application is almost limitless: from the most precise measuring instruments and industrial equipment to household devices and toys.

Modern electronics is the material foundation of new information technologies, the development of which is already leading to unprecedented social consequences. At the same time, the applied aspect of electronics is practically absent in school curricula in physics and computer science. At the same time, many of today’s schoolchildren, regardless of their chosen specialty, will have to, if not take part in the development and production of electronic devices, then certainly use information systems at various levels and interact with technical devices. Consequently, the relevance of the development of scientific and technical creativity is obvious.

Distinctive features of this additional educational program.

Unlike the standard electrical engineering program for institutions of additional education, this program has been revised and supplemented taking into account the author’s experience of working with children, as well as information from literary sources on technical creativity.

Distinctive features of the presented program:

This is an early childhood development program

Includes sections on working from a variety of materials, creating simple and complex models,
