Audio pranks for mobile phones. Jokes and pranks on the phone Jokes on a friend on the phone

How to prank a friend on April 1 In order to prank a friend on the phone, you will first of all need to change your voice so that you are not recognized and exposed in advance. You can ask someone you know to read the text you prepared in advance, but you will not get full pleasure from the prank. Here are some fun and harmless pranks on your friends.

Option #1

Call a friend and introduce him to the deputy head of water supply at the local water utility. Warn that he will not have water for the next 5 days due to the cleaning of the reservoir. Ask a friend to stock up on water and warn everyone in the house (better if the house is multi-story).

Option No. 2

If your friend works in an office, call him at 22.00 and, on behalf of the management, ask him to urgently bring documents to the office. When he arrives, he will have to call the boss so that he can open the door for him (it’s late, the doors are locked from the inside for security).

Option #3

Call a friend and ask them to move the car from the yard, since you cannot leave and you urgently need it. Also ask him to pass this on to 3-4 other neighbors while you try to find the other owners of the cars (the prank is suitable if your friend parks the car in the same place).

How to prank your friends on April 1st

Phone prank: texts

When pranking strangers on the phone, you need to take into account the fact that some are too naive and take everything to heart. Here are examples of some texts that will definitely not offend anyone.

Option #1

You need to call at 2.00 or 3.00

Hello, are you already asleep?

Not anymore (most often this phrase is spoken sarcastically)!

Why not? Well, quickly go to bed and don’t disturb the others!

Option No. 2

Hello! Is this Nikolai?

In a few minutes.

Hello! Is this Nikolai?

No! This guy doesn't live here.

In a couple more minutes.

Hello! Is this Nikolai?

No. They told you that there is no Nikolai here!

In two minutes.

Hello! This is Nikolai. Nobody called me?

Option #3

Hello! You are being harassed from a pet store. Your smoky fold-eared monkey is already on its way to your home.

We didn't order the monkey!

How did you not order? She is already being brought to you. We won't take her back. In addition, a check for payment has already been sent to you by mail!

What check?

For 10,000 rubles.

Cruel pranks on friends on April 1

There are some pretty cruel pranks on friends. They are associated with a hospital, a morgue, the loss of important things or missing vehicles. Such pranks can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, choose carefully who you call with such jokes.

Option #1

Hello! This is from the morgue. Come and pick up your second cousin

But we don’t have any second cousin!

We all love fun. Even if jokes and humor did not prolong life, we would still not stop having fun. But now, due to the rapid development of mobile technologies, an absolutely unique opportunity has arisen to make your life brighter, funnier and more fun. We also mean, of course, cool pranks on the phone.

The pranks themselves are quite complicated. Of course, if we are not talking about banal jokes on the first of April. A good prank requires a well-thought-out plan, excellent acting and the coincidence of a whole bunch of factors! Only in this case the draw will really work. Otherwise, failure may await. However, if you use a prank on the phone, then your task is greatly simplified, because we have already done the main work of acting for you.

What is required of you to successfully prank a friend, girlfriend or relative? First of all, of course, go to our website, which contains online phone draws. After that, carefully, legibly and in detail study our section with various jokes and choose what you like. Now you can mark the victim. Surely you and your friends already have a person you would like to prank right now. Well, in this case he was terribly unlucky.

Now comes the hardest part of the plan. In order for the draw to be successful, you need to clearly structure each of your actions. Just think about where the target of your prank is right now? Do not know? That's it, but how to play it then? Therefore, find out exactly the daily routine of the victim, otherwise failure may result. But when you find out, you can make a good joke about your loved one.

By the way, our service for pranking a friend over the phone doesn’t even require instantly sending your joke to the victim’s phone. You can also make a “delayed call” by calculating the situation and the course of events in advance. You also have the right to hide your phone number, in which case our service will call your target anonymously and he will not suspect anything.

So, have you chosen the target of your prank? Do you know her daily routine exactly? And even a suitable joke has already been found on our website. Well, in this case, it's time to order a prank over the phone. This is not difficult to do, just click on the joke you have chosen on our website, and you will understand everything else. Pay attention to the time of the call - this is very important!

Well, now it’s time to enjoy. Unfortunately, we don’t know what you will choose, but we can guarantee you that with a well-thought-out plan of action, our voice pranks on the phone work flawlessly. After carrying out your insidious plan, you should, of course, put on the most serious face that you can and calmly listen to your friend’s dissatisfaction or his indignation about what happened to him today and what an absurd situation he got himself into. Surely the object of your prank will not be able to immediately understand that it was you who so insidiously set up your friend and made him blush and be indignant. And then you can tell the poor fellow what’s what and laugh at what he did together.

As you can see, pranking people on the phone is actually a lot of fun. In addition, this is a truly innovative discovery, so at first even the most skeptical person will not be able to understand what’s what. And when he understands, he will already find himself in an absurd situation. It always works. So, if you seriously decide to decorate the life of your family and friends with bright colors and new impressions, then use our service and entertain you and your friends!

Phone pranks have always been extremely popular. In fact, all you need is a telephone, the number of a friend or colleague - and a cheerful mood is guaranteed. The main thing is to come up with an original joke text! And with the advent of cell phones, the range of pranks has expanded significantly and for a small fee you can order, for example, a good April Fool's joke for a friend. How to prank a friend on the phone? The drawing scenario can be chosen to suit every taste.

Telephone pranks


So, how to deceive a friend on April 1? We dial the phone number, introduce ourselves as a housing and communal services worker and warn that the water will be turned off in the near future. It is clear that after such a call, any person will rush to draw water into all suitable containers - into the bathtub, pots, basins. After a while, the same telephone voice may “delight” - the water shutoff is cancelled! And at the same time, the caller will advise you to start launching paper boats.

You will become a dad!

Let’s say right away that it’s a pretty cruel prank to tell a friend (or just an acquaintance) over the phone about your upcoming fatherhood. The main thing here is the effect of surprise! As soon as the subscriber answers, phrases like “Well, congratulations - get ready to become a dad!” But I said – you need to protect yourself!”, pronounced in an expressive tone. As a rule, the stunned “future dad” responds in a nervous voice by asking who is calling. Here the actor exclaims indignantly, “Are you kidding me?!” Well, wait with me!” and hangs up.

The most important point in the joke is to restrain yourself from laughing when meeting the unlucky “dad”. Such a telephone prank can be an excellent “spice” for any holiday, be it a birthday, April 1 or February 23.

Tax office

A stranger calls and in a respectable voice begins the dialogue with something like this: “Hello, you are concerned about the tax office of (name of region) regarding undeclared income for last year. Submit a new tax return urgently, otherwise you will face penalties!” In this way, you can maintain a conversation between the “tax inspector” and the “willful defaulter” for some time. Another option is to call a friend “from the prosecutor’s office” on April 1.

What other way to organize a giveaway over the phone? You can come up with the text yourself or use the suggestions of numerous Internet resources. In addition to verbal jokes, you can prank a friend on the phone via SMS, which will definitely make the recipient smile.

Cruel pranks on April 1

April Fool's Day is an excellent occasion not only to laugh at a good joke, but to show real acting skills. True, this will require some preparation, as well as available materials. What cruel pranks to organize on April 1? Video jokes will help you show your imagination and creativity! It is especially interesting to play a joke on a sleeping friend.

Here are a few more funny “horrible” videos:

Please note that telephone pranks must not cause physical or mental harm to a person, humiliate his honor and dignity, or violate the law. In addition, it should be remembered that minor children are not allowed to make calls and send paid SMS on their own, without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.

In any case, every joke or prank should bring a good mood - especially if your friend is playing the role. Take care of your friendship and have fun pranks!

If you have nothing to do, but want a little fun, then you can organize a telephone prank. So, how can you prank a friend or stranger over the phone? There are a lot of ideas, the use of which is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the machine itself. Like any joke, a telephone prank requires preliminary preparation, although sometimes you can act completely spontaneously.

How to prepare for a prank phone call?

  • If you want to prank a friend, but at the same time do everything so that he does not find out who exactly decided to laugh at him, you can make your call anonymous. There are a large number of different programs for this, as well as unique codes depending on the country. It is enough to first dial a unique code, and then the subscriber’s number, and he will not be able to find out who exactly is being called and what number he is receiving;
  • In order for everything to look believable, you need to think through your image in advance, as well as the purpose of the call. In this case, the telephone prank will look as believable as possible;
  • You need to rehearse a possible dialogue with a person before the call itself is made. However, you cannot do without improvisation, because everything may not go according to plan;

  • You can try to learn how to change your voice. In this case, you can use special programs that, right during a conversation, allow you to turn a rough male voice into a gentle female one in milliseconds. Thus, you can pretend to be a beautiful stranger, or a cartoon character;
  • You need to restrain yourself as much as possible so as not to laugh. Otherwise the draw will fail. It is necessary to behave naturally and try to get used to the role of the chosen character as much as possible.

If you don’t have time to prepare a telephone prank, then it’s time to show your improvisation skills in any situation. But how can you play a prank on the phone?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several interesting ideas, among which everyone can find something interesting and original for themselves:

  • You can call a friend's parents and introduce yourself as the school principal or university rector. The most important thing is to make sure that the director of a particular educational institution is of the same gender. You can call under any pretext, but you shouldn’t overdo it so that the joke doesn’t turn into a nervous shock for your friend’s parents;

  • Call a friend on behalf of a drug dealer and inform him that his goods will be delivered tomorrow;
  • Use a voice changer program or ask a friend to call a friend and tell her that she is pregnant. To make everything look as natural as possible, you can make fun of that friend who recently broke up with his girlfriend;
  • Call a friend and introduce yourself as your neighbors downstairs, asking them to quickly run home because they are being flooded with water;
  • If you want to prank a stranger, you can dial any number and pretend that you have a missed call from him. You can even put yourself in the place of the victim and try to blame the other person that it is he who is trying to make a joke on him;
  • You can prank not only friends and strangers, but also entire organizations. For example, you can call your local pizzeria and ask for a recipe for a particular dish. You should not make jokes at the expense of law enforcement agencies, because the law does not protect such jokers;
  • Again, you can call a pizzeria or food delivery company and order something delicious for a friend. It is likely that a friend will not refuse such a surprise, despite the fact that he will have to pay for it.

Do you remember how a couple of years ago, congratulations in verse via SMS, touching passages in prose and congratulatory messages accompanied by thematic pictures were at the peak of popularity? Such congratulations can bring a lot of positive emotions, but everyone is used to them. Do you want to really surprise your loved one? Do you dream that your congratulations will be remembered for a long time? Then your choice is telephone pranks– an original and creative way to show attention!

Who can I send a prank phone call to?

This kind of attention is universal; it is equally suitable for a loved one or close relative, as well as for a colleague, long-time friend or just a good acquaintance. The main thing is that the person has a sense of humor, and then your joke will be appreciated.

On the FunCards website you will find a wide variety of cool congratulations and jokes for all occasions. SMS in the catalog are collected in several sections:

  • For guys
  • For girls

You can choose any topic to joke with your loved one! Just imagine how “delighted” a motorist will be if he finds out that his faithful “iron horse” has been put on the wanted list or his license urgently needs some mysterious check and how relieved he will be when he learns that it was just a joke. You can prank those who like to listen to loud music by talking to them on behalf of grumpy neighbors who are extremely dissatisfied with the noise. And after your prank, avid computer geeks will rush to clean the hard drive, which the police promise to seize, and stop downloading torrents.

And, of course, don’t forget about pranks related to mobile phones - messages about unexpected withdrawal of money from an account for “charity” or blocking of the smartphone’s operating system will be remembered for a long time by your friend who does not let go of his favorite gadget.

Finally, for the most original connoisseurs of creative attention, we have compiled a selection of crazy pranks! Tell your friend that he has the honor of becoming a surrogate father, Stas Mikhailov wants to involve him in the filming of his next video, or the area where his apartment is located suffered from a terrible chlorine release!

And if you don’t want to scare your friends and make them nervous, even as a joke, choose an original congratulation, which will be voiced by a famous actor, athlete or politician.

Carefully follow the updates of the catalog of funny congratulations and practical jokes on the FunCards website: we regularly add new jokes and gags for you that your loved ones will definitely like!

How to order a congratulation or a raffle via SMS?

Have you already chosen the funniest joke for your loved one and you can’t wait to play it on him as quickly as possible? All you need to do is go to the order form, enter the number of the user you want to congratulate, indicate the date and time he received the SMS. After that, all that remains is to pay for the congratulations or the drawing: all SMS presented in our catalog cost only 199 rubles!

Note! Sending congratulations is possible not only within Russia, but also through Ukrainian, German and even Israeli operators. Wherever your loved one lives, he will receive your original congratulations within the specified period!
