How to remove a gap between paragraphs. Known ways to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word

In Microsoft Word, as in most text editors, a certain indentation (spacing) is specified between paragraphs. This distance exceeds the distance between lines in the text directly inside each paragraph, and it is necessary for better readability of the document and ease of navigation. In addition, a certain distance between paragraphs is a necessary requirement when preparing documents, abstracts, dissertations and other equally important papers.

For work, as in cases where a document is created not only for personal use, these indents are, of course, necessary. However, in some situations it may be necessary to reduce, or even completely remove, the established distance between paragraphs in Word. We will tell you how to do this below.

1. Select the text in which you need to change the spacing between paragraphs. If this is a piece of text from a document, use your mouse. If this is all the text content of the document, use the keys “Ctrl+A”.

2. In a group "Paragraph", which is located in the tab "Home", find the button "Interval" and click on the small triangle located to the right of it to expand the menu for this tool.

3. In the window that appears, perform the required action by selecting one of the two lower items or both (this depends on the previously set parameters and what you need as a result):

  • Remove space before paragraph;
  • Remove space after paragraph.

4. The spacing between paragraphs will be removed.

Changing and fine-tuning the spacing between paragraphs

The method we discussed above allows you to quickly switch between standard paragraph spacing values ​​and no spacing (again, the standard value set by default in Word). If you need to fine-tune this distance, set some of your own values ​​so that, for example, it is minimal but still noticeable, do the following:

1. Using the mouse or buttons on the keyboard, select the text or fragment in which the distance between paragraphs needs to be changed.

2. Call up the group dialog box "Paragraph" by clicking on the small arrow located in the lower right corner of this group.

3. In the dialog box "Paragraph" which will open in front of you in the section "Interval" set the required values "Before" And "After".

    Advice: If necessary, without leaving the dialog box "Paragraph", you can disable adding spacing between paragraphs written in the same style. To do this, check the box next to the appropriate item.
    Tip 2: If you don't need paragraph spacing at all, for spacing "Before" And "After" set values “0 pt”. If intervals are needed, even if they are minimal, set a value greater 0 .

4. The spacing between paragraphs will change or disappear depending on the values ​​you set.

    Advice: If necessary, you can always set manual interval values ​​as default settings. To do this, just click on the corresponding button in the “Paragraph” dialog box, which is located in its lower part.

Similar actions (calling the dialog box "Paragraph") can also be done through the context menu.

1. Select the text whose paragraph spacing settings you want to change.

2. Right-click on the text and select "Paragraph".

3. Set the required values ​​to change the spacing between paragraphs.

We can finish here, because now you know how to change, reduce or remove spacing between paragraphs in Word. We wish you success in further mastering the capabilities of the multifunctional text editor from Microsoft.

Beautiful document formatting is half the work. After all, everyone will agree that reading a structured and perfectly composed article is incredibly pleasant. This increases interest.

In this article we will talk about how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word in all possible ways. After all, paragraphs are also part of formatting. And when there are awkward large indents between them, it is unaesthetic.

Extra paragraphs

First of all, before talking about how to remove large spaces between, it’s worth talking about a slightly different problem. Sometimes the culprit for such breaks is the negligence and inattention of the user himself. He can press the ENTER key twice instead of once. Thus, making two paragraphs. Now we will figure out how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word if they are caused by double pressing ENTER.

Of course, you won’t see the number of paragraphs visually unless you activate a special option in Word. We'll talk about it now.

First you need to visualize. This is done by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar. You can easily see its location in the picture below.

After clicking the button, all non-printable characters will become visible in the article. We are only interested in one thing - the paragraph. Its sign is the same as on the button that we pressed - “¶”.

Now, all you have to do is look through the entire text for double paragraphs. And if such are found, one of them can simply be deleted.

Applying styles

Now, moving on to more serious problems, we will talk about how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word 2007, if the reason for their appearance was incorrect formatting. We will analyze the simplest way, we will change the style of the text itself. Why exactly 2007? The answer is simple. The fact is that it was in this version of the program that these same styles appeared. But if you have a later version, then you will have them too.

So, the point is simple. Initially, you need to select the text itself. If all of it will be changed, you can use the CTRL+A keys. Having selected the desired fragment, you need to go to the "Home" tab, if you are not on it now. There, pay attention to the "Styles" area. You can scroll through them using the arrow in the center, or open the entire list using the bottom one.

By hovering your mouse over a style, you will see how your text changes after applying it. Finally, having chosen what you like, apply the changes.

Using Paragraph settings

If among all the styles you have not found a suitable one, then it is better to use full customization. Now we will tell you how to remove large spaces between paragraphs in Word through the “Paragraph” settings menu.

Initially, you need to get into this very menu. To do this, click the corresponding button on the toolbar. It is located on the "Home" tab, and its exact location can be seen in the picture below.

Once in the settings, make sure that the first tab is selected - “Indents and spacing”. As you might guess, among all the parameters we are interested in only one - “Interval”. You can see the exact location of the distance settings between paragraphs in the picture.

In order to change the amount of space between paragraphs, you need to change the value of these two counters. In the case when you want to completely remove the gap, set the value to “0”.

Once you have entered all the parameters, you should click the "OK" button to apply them. If you want to set the entered parameters to default, click the “Default” button, and in the window that appears, select for which document you want to save the settings.

Change it in a couple of mouse clicks (first method)

It should be immediately notedthe fact that using the previous method, you could make the most flexible adjustment of the spacing between paragraphs. Well, now we’ll talk about how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word so that they don’t exist at all.

This is done quite simply, you just need to find the desired button on the toolbar. It is located, as usual, on the “Home” tab, and you can see its exact location in the picture.

Click on it to open a drop-down menu. In it we are interested in only one line - “Remove space after paragraph”. Of course, you can add a space before the paragraph here, as well as set it, but this is done at will.

This was not the last way to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word; there is one more, which we will now move on to.

Change in a couple of mouse clicks (second method)

Now we will look at a way to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word 2010 and older. The fact is that earlier versions of the program do not have this function.

So, initially you need to go to the "Page Layout" tab. There you will find an area called "Paragraph". Now look for the fields that say "Interval" above them. They are responsible for the distance between paragraphs. To remove spaces completely, enter values ​​of "0". If you want to adjust the distance, then set the parameters manually.

The Microsoft Word text editor is the most popular document editing program in the world. Using Word, users can create voluminous documents with a variety of content, which, in addition to text, may include images, shapes, or links. The text itself, in turn, has many parameters and can be aligned or configured as required by a specific document.

With each new version of Word, new functions and settings appear in the program. People who upgraded from version 2003 to version 2007 or later may have noticed that the program now indents paragraphs differently, making them larger. You can remove the spacing between paragraphs in Word and make it what it was before by changing just one setting. You can also adjust the size of indents between specific lines and study keyboard commands that allow you to set exactly the indent that is needed in a given situation.

Quick navigation through the article


Thus, in Word 2007, sets of styles for documents appeared, thanks to which, in one click, you can customize the appearance of the entire text and its individual parts, headings and lists. Not only the text is subject to change, but also the way indentations are formed. To change the document style to the old one, you will need:

  • Open Microsoft Word.
  • Upload the required document.
  • Go to the Home tab if another tab is open.
  • Find the “Styles” block.
  • Click on the “Change Styles” button.
  • Select “Style Set” from the drop-down list, and then “Word 2003”.

When you hover your mouse over a particular style, the user will immediately see what changes this setting makes. Each selected style can subsequently be changed at will, by changing, for example, the font or its color.

other methods

The user also needs to know about other ways to change the type of indentation between paragraphs. For example, you can use the Enter button not to create a new paragraph, but to simply move the cursor to a new line. This requires

together with the named button, press “Shift” at the same time, after which the cursor will be moved to the line below, but the break between the lines will not be inserted.

In addition to this, you can change the size of indents in the paragraph settings, for which you need to select the desired fragment of text or select the contents of the document in its entirety, and then go to the “Home” -> “Paragraph” tab. In this window you can find the “Line Spacing” button, which changes the distance between lines in the selected text fragment to a specified value.

If any fragment of the document is already formatted as needed, then you can transfer the text settings to another fragment of the document, without even knowing which settings were used to create the style. To do this, you need to select the first part of the text that looks the way you want, and then press the Ctrl + Shift + Q buttons. The mouse cursor will change to a selection icon, after which you can select the second piece of text, and all formatting settings will be applied to it.


How to change (reduce or increase) the spacing between paragraphs in MS Office Word 2007. Open a Word document. Select the paragraphs you want to reduce the space between. If you need to select all paragraphs in a document, press Ctrl+A. The entire text will be highlighted.

In the “Spacing” item you can specify the distance between paragraphs. To do this, you need to set a value either in the “Before” or “After” field. Distance in "pt" - (points) in which font size is measured. By default, the After distance is set to 12 pt. You can reduce it to 0, or set it to Auto. This can be done either by placing the cursor and typing the desired number, or using the up/down arrows.

If the paragraphs you want to reduce the space between or at all are written in the same Word style (font, color, spacing), in the “Paragraph” dialog box, check the “Do not add space between paragraphs of the same style” checkbox.

Quite often an inconvenient moment arises when, when switching to, two sentences of a paragraph are located on, and the rest of the paragraph is placed on another. To avoid this, in the “Paragraph” window, select the “Page Position” tab and check the “Prohibit dangling lines” checkbox.

In MS Office Word 2003, go to the “Format” menu, select “Paragraph”. On the Indents and Spacing tab, find the Spacing section. To change the distance between paragraphs, set the desired value in the “Before” (distance to the active paragraph) and “After” (distance after the active paragraph) fields.



When working in editors when formatting text, the question often arises: how to change the line spacing? Additionally, there are strict requirements for line spacing, depending on the type of document you are creating.

Change line spacing

How to change line spacing and paragraph spacing in Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, the first of which is a text editor, and the second a program for creating slides and presentations? The principle of changing line spacing in both programs is the same.

So, you have typed the text, now your task is to format it. To change the line spacing, first select and highlight the section of text to which you want to apply the settings. If this is one specific paragraph, just place the cursor on it (for Office 2007 and 2013).

Option 1. Open the “Menu” tab, hover over the “Format” button, select the “Paragraph” item in the drop-down list, a dialog box will appear. Here, in the “Indents and Spacing” tab, there is the “Line Spacing” field, with a drop-down menu in which you can select the required type of spacing: single, one and a half, etc.

Option 2. Select the "Page Layout" tab, it already has a "Paragraph" field, click in the lower right corner of the field, the dialog box will appear again. You can also enter the exact numeric value of the required spacing. All in the same window, in the “Intervals” section there is a “Value” field. Enter the required parameter there.

Option 3. Find a button on the toolbar at the top of the working window, when you hover over it, the hint “Change the spacing between lines” appears, click it, and adjust the setting in the drop-down list. It must be borne in mind that when choosing the type of spacing “single”, “double”, the actual distance between lines will depend on the selected font size.

Change spacing between paragraphs

If you need to change the spacing between paragraphs, then in the “Page Layout” field, you need to find the “Line Spacing” buttons, which look like an image of lines, to the left of which there are arrows directed at each other and in different directions. With their help, the interval “Before” and “After” of the paragraph you specify is formed; enter the data either manually or using the scroll buttons.

Welcome to the Workip blog! In Word, many operations are done very simply, you just need to know where to click. I became familiar with this text editor a long time ago. Years have passed. Like many users, I had a question about reducing the spacing between paragraphs. Do you know how to make it?

Today we’ll look at how to change the spacing between paragraphs in Word using a specific example. It can be changed up, down or deleted in just 5 mouse clicks. How? Let's look at a specific example.

Example of changing the spacing between paragraphs

So, first, let's create a new document in Word and enter arbitrary text. To achieve the goal you will need to do only 5 actions:

I will dwell on the fourth point in a little more detail. You saw what the initial set of words looks like above. Now, for clarity, I will set the indentation after the paragraph to 50 pt rather than 10 pt.

Now let's see what happens if the spacing between paragraphs in Word is completely removed. As I said above, you can remove it very quickly. You just need to check the box in the right place.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Everything is done relatively quickly. Finally, I wanted to ask one question.

Have you already experienced the irretrievable loss of electronic documents and other files?

I’m asking because the specifics of my work are related to computers and people periodically ask me questions like: “Vadim! Something happened to my computer, is it possible to recover the data? They are really needed! In fact, in some cases it is possible, but not always all files are restored and the process may take a long time. Sometimes you can spend weeks fiddling with one hard drive. Imagine if it contains work files that are needed today or tomorrow. What to do?

To avoid getting into unpleasant situations of this kind, it is better to take care of backups in advance. The topic is quite interesting. In search of really useful information for my readers, I found an excellent course on backup.

I’ll end this article here. Was the information useful? I look forward to your comments.

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