Best friends on Instagram. Best friends on Instagram how the Instagram function works how to find friends from a contact

The question of how to find a person on Instagram via VK is now not so easy to solve, this is due to the next updates of the service. But there is a way out.

Is it possible to add friends using synchronization?

Back at the end of 2017, it was easy to link accounts from these two social networks. With the release of update 40.1.0, Instagram began to experience regular problems with synchronization with VK - users began to complain about the endless loading icon.

By March 2018, the problem had grown in scale, and in update 46.0 the ability to link these two social networks completely disappeared from the settings menu.

For this reason, it became impossible to find a person’s Instagram on VK through account synchronization. Since the issue cannot be resolved by installing older versions of the application, we can only wait for the developers to return this feature in one of the next updates.

How to find hints in your profile?

Users are often interested in ensuring that other people can easily find them on social networks. Therefore, if you are wondering how to find a person on VKontakte through Instagram, you should go to VKontakte and look for links:

  • To begin with, it’s worth opening the page and looking in the address bar - if the user changed the ID (a unique set of numbers) to a short name, then it is possible that this short name is used as a login in other social networks.
  • Don’t forget about personal information on the main page: in the “Personal Site” section you can sometimes find the treasured link.
  • Then you should look at the user’s posts on the wall. Often among the posts you can find a link or profile screen.

Until recently, the synchronization of these two social networks worked smoothly and the opportunity was available to find friends on Instagram from VKontakte on your phone (or PC) by the camera logo next to the time of publication. This logo meant a repost of a photo from Instagram on VK; now such posts are rather the exception.

Such services do not give any guarantees, but it’s worth a try:

  • - the site can search for one person or people by a list of IDs.
  • - the resource can find accounts of followers who are members of a VK group or community.
  • - the service is intended for professional promotion, however, ordinary users can also use it - there is a free trial period. The main advantage is that the site searches for Instagram accounts not only by ID, but also by phone numbers and email address specified in the profile.

We'll tell you how to add a link to Instagram in VK, go to another article.

How to add friends from VK to Instagram is a question that interests a large number of people, especially those who have only recently started using this social network. In our article we will tell you why it is not possible to directly transfer the list of friends from one social network. network to another, and how you can add them in other ways.

Starting in the spring of 2018, the function that made it possible to completely synchronize both accounts - on Instagram and VKontakte, disappeared, which is why Instagram does not show friends on VK, so if you still decide to find them, you will face certain difficulties. Below we present methods by which you can manually find your friends from VK on the Instagram social network.

How to find friends from VKontakte on Instagram?

Now that you understand why Instagram doesn’t find friends from VK, it’s time to find out exactly how you can find your friends from one social network to another so that you can add them here too. In order to find on the service those with whom you usually communicate on VKontakte, you will need to find out their nickname on this social network. networks. Here are four options on how to do this:

1. Using status

Some people do not write beautiful quotes in their status, but indicate contact information, including their Instagram nickname. Pay attention to the statuses of those you would like to add as subscribers!

2. Direct link in the information on the page

  • Among the specified data, look for an active link to Instagram.

3. View publications

Sometimes active users indicate a link to Instagram in their VK posts. Carefully review the posts on your friend's page - perhaps the information you are interested in is located there.

Instagram has introduced a new feature in Stories - the “Best Friends” list. What is this, how to make this list and add friends to it, and why you may not have this function (Android, iPhone) - read on.

What is the “Best Friends” list on Instagram Stories?

If you don’t, then anyone can view all your posts and Instagram Stories except. But even those who are blocked can always do it through a fake. Posts are most often carefully selected photos. And in the Stories there is confusion and vacillation. Sometimes you don’t really want everyone to watch them. But you can limit the circle of people who will see Stories where you make faces or go to the cinema, although they told that friend over there that they are very busy and cannot come to the meeting.

Just recently, Instagram rolled out something new—a messenger for “Best Friends.”

How to make and add “Best Friends” to Instagram Stories

If there is no “Best Friends” feature on Instagram

Like everything else, the “Best Friends” list did not appear for everyone right away.

What can be done?

  • Check if your Instagram is updated. Go to the AppStore or Play Store and look in the list of installed applications.
  • Check if you have enough space on your phone to download updates. Remove unnecessary apps and photos.
  • Check your Internet speed. If the connection is poor, updates may also not be downloaded.

Have you done everything possible, but the new feature hasn't appeared? Most likely you need to wait. It may even be that “Best Friends” appeared on one account, but not on another.

on Instagram, he immediately begins to think about how to find a person here through VK, if before that, he mostly used this resource to communicate with loved ones. Since most users have problems linking their VK account to Instagram, not everyone will be able to understand how to find each of their friends, since on Instagram they may not be signed by their names, but simply by nicknames.

From the very first minutes, a person notices that searching for the necessary people on Instagram is much more difficult than on VKontakte. But there are ways to make your search easier and add all your friends to your newly created account as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to do, it is quite possible if you know some of the subtleties and algorithms of the local search engine. The main difficulty lies in the often incomprehensible names with which many users sign up. There may be numbers and any Latin letters that have nothing to do with the person’s real surname and name.

At the moment, almost every social network provides synchronization, which allows you to quickly transfer all your friends to your new account. If we talk about finding friends from VK in order to add them to Instagram, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. First, you need to go to your page on Insta and find the gear icon, which means page settings. It is usually located in the lower or upper right corner.
  2. Afterwards, a page with various options for functions will open in front of the person. One of them is a search through VKontakte, which is what you need to select.
  3. After this, the person will be immediately asked to go to his VK page by entering authorization data. Immediately after this, a page will open where you will see a list of friends who are registered on Instagram.

Note! In addition, you can use the method of searching for a friend’s page through photos sent from Instagram. They are usually marked with blue icons, indicating that they are linked to a given social network. When clicking on this link, the user will be redirected to his friend’s page on Insta.

How to Find Friends Using Supporter Apps

Another accessible way to find friends on Instagram from VKontakte is to use special programs. But almost no one uses it due to inefficiency. Plus, a person will have to understand the application, which he is unlikely to want to waste time on. Therefore, people often look for acquaintances through:

  • subscriptions.

By hashtag

This method also requires quite a lot of time and knowledge of personal data about your friend. To successfully search, you need to try to guess the tags that someone you knew from VK could presumably enter. In this way, you can find a photo of a friend, and from it, you can find him. The same method can be used when trying to find a user through geotags.

By nicknames

This technique can be called the easiest of all that will be listed here. The issue will be resolved as quickly as possible if the user knows the login that his friend used to register on Insta. Next, to do this, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. To get started, you should launch the application and find the magnifying glass icon, which will mean searching.
  2. You need to click on it and select the “People” column.
  3. Now you can start entering your friend’s login into the line, and most likely, his page will be successfully found.
  4. After going to the page, all you have to do is subscribe to it. The friend will see the notification and respond to the request in kind.


After, the person will immediately be offered several of his friends to subscribe, so some of them, perhaps the closest ones, will not have to be looked for. Then you can go to the page of each of them, click on the “subscribe” button and try to find other friends.

At first, it is better to do this without entering names into the search engine; if there are few subscriptions, it is better to fully study the list, since many friends may not be subscribed with their own names and have avatars other than their personal photos. Thus, over time, you can collect all your acquaintances who were friends in VK.

Every day, millions of users of the social network Instagram not only post photos and videos, but also meet new people. Agree, it’s boring to maintain an account that no one views except yourself. Therefore, sooner or later the need to add friends arises. With Instagram, this is as easy as pie; in addition, thanks to the function of finding friends via social networks and mobile number, you can add both friends from VK (VKontakte) and Facebook to Instagram. More on this below.

Finding and adding friends

So, how to add friends on Instagram? To add new people to your friends list, follow these instructions. Through the “Options” menu you will be taken to the “Find Friends” tab. You can start searching for people you are interested in. There are several search options.

From your contact list

This method is ideal for those who like to record the phone numbers of everyone they know on their smartphone. If the person is in your mobile contacts list, you will see them in the “Suggested” list. In order to follow a user, click on the “Follow” button. In a moment, this person will be among your subscribers.

This method is often used by owners of phones with the Android system.

Find Facebook friends on Instagram

Now let’s look at how to add friends from the social network Facebook on Instagram. It's very easy to check which of your friends are registered there. To do this, click on the three dots at the top right corner. The system will take you straight to the “Settings” of the application. Click on the “Find Friends” button, and in the tab that opens, select “Friends from Facebook”. All your friends will appear who, in addition to FB, are also active users of Instagram. You can add them to your subscriptions by clicking a special button or just look their accounts.

Finding friends from VKontakte

Recently, on Instagram it has become possible to follow friends from Contact. This is done according to the same scheme as with Facebook. In addition, you can link your profile and send photos and videos from Insta directly to the VKontakte wall. How to add friends on Instagram? To find your friends from a social network, go to “Settings” and select “Find Friends”, and then “Friends from VKontakte”. You will be asked to subscribe to people who are somehow connected with you.

Tag your friends in the comments

Many people are interested in the question of how to tag friends on Instagram in the comments. First, open the main page and select a photo in which you will tag your friend. At the bottom of the screen there will be a small rectangular bar for entering a message. Click on it and start writing text. To tag a person, put a doggy icon in front of their name (like email addresses).

Enter a message to be addressed to the other person. Next, simply click “Submit”. Your friend will definitely see this post. People can also be tagged in photos.

Restrictions on Instagram

Those who are actively promoting their account have long known that the developers of the social network have set some restrictions on subscriptions. This is due to the fact that some users actively use utilities to increase likes and followers.

It is important for everyone who is an Insta user to know about the limits set by the system. So, how many friends can you add on Instagram? In total, you can be subscribed to no more than 7,500 network users. After which, if you want to subscribe to someone else, you will have to unsubscribe from those who seem less interesting to you. As for your account, anyone can add it to subscriptions (of course, if your page is open). Today there are a huge number of users on Instagram, whose army of subscribers numbers over one hundred million people.

It happens that the system bans violators: those who actively use bots to gain subscribers or distribute illegal materials. Instagram administrators have the right to block you if:

  1. The limit of subscribers, likes and comments has been exceeded.
  2. You leave monotonous comments on other people's pages.
  3. Publish photos in the 18+ category.
  4. You are engaged in propaganda of terrorism.
  5. You are violating copyright laws.

If you want to repost the content of other users, you must obtain the consent of the person whose photo will be placed on your profile. If the user's name was not mentioned in the post, the author of the photo has the right to complain about you to the Instagram administration. You also have the right to write to support if your materials have been stolen.


Now you know how to add friends on Instagram and what to pay attention to when subscribing to other users. In addition, you can search by keywords and geolocation, thereby meeting like-minded or creative people living nearby.
