Posting advertisements is prohibited and punishable by ban. Posting Rules

Good day, dear readers of my blog. As I promised in, in which I told what this exchange is and how a beginner can work with it, so as not to lose their money and time, I am publishing separate instructions for registering on it.

Registration on for those who want to take a job is not entirely simple; you need to go through several stages and special tests. I know that many people have insurmountable difficulties with this, and this is where their path to freelancing and remote work ends.

Therefore, today I will tell you in detail how to pass the test on, I will give the correct answers to possible tests and you will find out what difficulties may hinder you.

Let's go, everything in order and step by step, let's start with registration.

How to register on Workzilla?

Step 1. Simple new user registration

Everything here is standard, I’m sure that you have already registered more than once on various sites on the Internet, so passing the first stage will not be difficult for you.

We look for the “Register” button on the main page, click, fill out simple data, agree to all the terms and conditions and click again on the button with the same name.

After this, all you have to do is confirm your e-mail. You will receive an email with a link that you need to follow.

In fact, registration ends here for the customer, and he can give tasks, but to become a performer, you still need to work hard.

Step 2. Taking tests

We go to the “Executor” section and see that it is necessary to undergo mandatory testing. As the practice of several registrations per artist shows, the tests may be different.

Before taking the test, I recommend that you walk around the site, study all the information, and most importantly, read the Workzilla rules, which will later help you pass the tests so that you have access to work with orders.

  1. The first test is to test your knowledge of the rules of the resource.
  2. The second test shows your internet skills.
  3. There may be a third test that focuses on your logic.

I am giving you all the answers to the questions to pass the Workzilla test. There will be 12 of these questions in total.

Answers to Workzilla Rules Test #1?

The questions and answers may be in a different order in your case, so be careful.

1. What will you do if you see an order in your specialty in the feed of new tasks, but at a clearly reduced price?

  • I agree to the task and agree with the customer to increase the price
  • I will refuse the task
  • I agree to the task and, if I am appointed as a contractor, I will perform it at a level appropriate for such a low price

2. What happens if you don't complete the task on time?

  • Your account will be blocked
  • The task will be transferred to Arbitration and your rating will be lowered
  • The customer will wait for the result as long as necessary

3. What happens if you agree to the Customer’s offer to pay for work outside the service?

  • The task will be sent to Arbitration
  • Your rating will be lowered

4. A task worth 100 was sent to arbitration. What amount will be credited to your account if the Arbitration is decided 50% in your favor?

  • Upon receiving a neutral rating
  • Upon receiving a negative rating
  • When receiving a neutral or negative rating

6. You urgently need to send a message to the customer, but he is not online. Your actions?

  • I will send the task to Arbitration
  • I'll write a message in the chat
  • I’ll contact the support service for help and ask for the customer’s contact information.

7. From what moment can you be sure that quality work done by you will be paid for?

  • From the moment the task switches to the “In progress” status
  • From the moment the customer makes an advance payment for the work
  • From the moment you became a candidate

8. You have finished the work, but the customer is not online. Your actions?

  • Click the “Submit for review” button
  • I will write to the customer in chat that the task is completed
  • I'm starting a new task

9. What is the minimum period for withdrawing funds from the system?

  • 3 days
  • 24 hours
  • Up to 1 hour, if you inform the support service about the need for an urgent withdrawal of funds

10. Time to complete the task - 15 days. The task went live on June 1 at 14:00. The work was completed on June 13 at 09:00. If the Customer has not confirmed the completion of the task, when will you be able to transfer the task to Arbitration?

  • June 14 at 9:00
  • June 14 at 21:00
  • June 17 at 21:00

11. What happens if you post a job search ad on the service?

  • Your account will be blocked
  • Customers will read your ad and you will receive many orders
  • You will receive a warning and your rating will be lowered

12. Time to complete the task is 5 hours. The task went live on June 1 at 14:00. The work was completed on June 1 at 18:32. On June 2 at 19.00 you sent the task to the Arbitration. The arbitration returned the task to work on June 2 at 19:10. When can you apply to Arbitration again if the customer does not check your work?

  • June 2 at 19:10
  • June 3 at 19:00
  • June 3 at 19:10

That’s it, the first test is passed, click “Check”.

How to pass test number 2?

It's the final test.

Different questions will be given here in random order.

  1. Facts from reference books.
    We copy the fact into Yandex or Google and find the correct answer.
  2. Indicate the official exchange rate of 1 euro against the Russian ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of November 15, 2014 (format 0.0000).
    I searched again through the search engine Although, you can go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and look in the archive, here is the link -
  3. Rewrite the sentence, correcting the mistakes.
    Here is the spelling and rules of the school curriculum.
  4. Please upload any picture (jpeg, gif, png, jpg) with the name “4_today's date (day_month_year).
    We do it as described in the task. Just be careful, if you complete this task around midnight, do not confuse the Moscow time indicated in the task.

But that's not all.

Step 3. Pay the subscription fee

After passing the tests, in order to start completing tasks and earning money, to make sure your intentions are serious, the service asks you to pay a kind of subscription fee of 390 rubles. This amount remains with the service, and you can complete tasks on Workzilla for 3 months.

Only after you pay the required amount will all possible tasks be available to you. If taken seriously, this subscription fee is paid off very quickly from 1-2 completed tasks.


It's time to sum it up. In fact, there is nothing complicated about registering with the Workzilla service, if you use your brains.

For me, there were no particular problems when passing the tests.

I hope this article was useful to you, and the Workzilla service will help you start working remotely without leaving your home.

I wish everyone creative success and good earnings!

Everyone dreams of making money on the Internet. Before you can work for yourself, gain your first experience and knowledge by working for others. The easiest way to get remote work is through the Work-Zilla service.

In this article you will receive detailed instructions on how to make money remotely using the service Work-Zilla. There is a job here for anyone, regardless of their age, gender, location, experience, knowledge and skills.

Here's what you can get your first money for now:

  • Writing articles for websites;
  • Fill out product cards for online stores;
  • Post advertisements on various bulletin boards;
  • Leave a comment on the post on Instagram, Vkontakte, Youtube, Odnoklassniki;
  • Record a video review;
  • Post information about the company in DublGis;
  • Call clients using a pre-prepared script;
  • Translate text from various languages;
  • Edit text or video;
  • Translate audio to text;
  • Install the application on your phone;
  • Correct the site:
  • Make a landing page:
  • And so on….

This is not a complete list of various tasks for which performers are urgently needed. Below in this post we will consider in detail the most popular tasks and I will teach you how to complete them.

By the end of today you will be able to earn your first money on the Internet and, I repeat, it doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced user. With the help of these instructions you can make money on the Internet:

  • Schoolboy;
  • Student;
  • Housewife;
  • Pensioner;
  • Office employee;
  • Inexperienced;
  • Experienced;
  • Newbie;
  • Professional:
  • Etc.

How much can you earn with Work-Zilla?

  • A beginner will be able to earn at least 5,000 rubles on Workzilla. up to 20,000 rub. per month.
  • An experienced person will be able to reach the level of up to 40,000 rubles.
  • Pros can overcome the level of 50,000 - 80,000 rubles.

By “newbie” we mean a person who has never really made money on the Internet and is not very knowledgeable about computers and various programs.

An experienced person is considered to be one who is familiar with a computer and copes well with Excel, Word, some special programs such as Photoshop, Camtasia Studio, Sony Vegas, Audacity, DreamWeaver, etc. He has already tried to make money on the Internet, studied a lot of articles and videos on this topic, has a WebMoney wallet and...

A pro is an expert in some Internet profession. For example, a programmer, designer, layout designer, video editor, etc. This is a person who understands the intricacies of his profession, has a track record behind him and, possibly, a circle of regular clients. A professional differs from an experienced one in that the experienced one has not decided on any particular profession. He tried different specialties, but did not achieve any achievements in them and switched to something else.

Perhaps some of the newcomers to this place will be horrified by the scary names of various programs and specialties. Don't worry. There's really nothing wrong with it. Another phobia of beginners is that they immediately give up on themselves when they try to “put on the costume” of any profession.

For example, they think like this: “A copywriter is a person who must know the Russian language perfectly and have the gift of eloquence and writing.” Of course, if you want to become a copywriting star, then all of the above must be present, to one degree or another.

But in order to earn average money, you only need to know some basic things that any person can master.

The same goes for any other profession. A beginner who has never engaged in this or that activity is afraid of everything and tries to find some excuse for his inactivity.

We will delve into the topic of psychology in more detail in one of the separate articles, a list of which you will find at the end of this post, but for now I will say the following: start acting, try and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Then your success is guaranteed.

Now let's get down to business:

1) Registration in the Work-Zilla service

Before we move on to the video instructions, I want to warn you that registering with the Work-Zilla service is not the easiest. Here you need to pass several tests, which are sometimes annoying. BUT(!) When I went through all the stages of registration, I realized that this was actually a necessary thing.

The fact is that with the help of these tests, lazy people and not serious individuals who want to quickly “make money” are eliminated. Also weed out are the completely inexperienced ones who cannot do such a basic thing as Google (search in Google or Yandex) some information on the Internet.

2) Subscription payment

There is one more important detail that I must warn you about in advance. If you want to earn money from this service, you must pay a monthly subscription.

A subscription is your ticket to the Work-Zilla exchange. Without this ticket you will not be able to submit entries. The subscription pays for itself in a few hours. And the proceeds go to the development of the service, to pay the salaries of employees who maintain and support the site.

The current subscription cost is as follows:

  • 1 month – 100 rub.
  • 3 months – 250 rub.
  • 6 months – 400 rub.

If you are registering for the first time, the initial fee is 390 rubles. for 3 months of work. And then you can pay monthly, 100 rubles. Or subscribe in bulk with a discount for 3 or 6 months.

3) Test for knowledge of system rules

Before taking the second test, carefully study the rules. This will be useful to you in the future to avoid various misunderstandings.

4) Finding suitable tasks and applying for work

So, the painful registration stage is over and you can start working. Before you start completing the tasks, look at some tips on:

  • how to look for suitable tasks;
  • how to avoid scammers:
  • how to filter tasks:

I consider the episode with scammers, of whom there are a lot on the Internet, to be especially important. They know that a certain target audience hangs out on Workzilla and therefore often publish their advertisements there, promising easy, dust-free work and high earnings. I will show you how to identify such bad people:

5) Submitting an application - the employer’s view

It is extremely important to understand how customers see your applications. In this video tutorial you will see a number of mistakes that you should not make, and you will also understand how you can stand out from your competitors:

6) Getting the job done - subtleties and nuances

In this video tutorial, I was very lucky with the task and the employer. And you are lucky in that you will clearly see how to work CORRECTLY with customers so that they lay in stacks at your feet.

In this video, I managed to earn 500 rubles in 3 hours, and also increase my rating. A simple mathematical calculation shows that if you complete 2-3 such tasks a day and work a standard 5-day work week, then in a month you will earn from 22,000 rubles. up to 33,000 rub. For 60%-70% of the population of our country, good money, especially if you are a mother on maternity leave, a pensioner, a student or a disabled person.

But what’s important is not even that I earned 500 rubles. in 3 hours without particularly straining, what matters is how the customer reacted to my work. Interesting? Watch the video:

7) Withdrawal of earned money

Well, in conclusion, I will show you how to withdraw and cash out the money you earned on Work-Zilla.

8) Instead of a conclusion

So, friends! If you have carefully studied the information above, all you have to do is implement it and get a monetary result.

At first, it is extremely important to gain experience. You need to take on any tasks and try to complete them. If you see a task, but don’t know how to complete it, open any search engine (Yandex, Google) and enter the request there: “How to do .... “. See what solutions there are and try to repeat them.

The easiest tasks are usually related to:

  • with text (write a review, write an article);
  • with the search for any information;
  • with posting advertisements on Avito and other bulletin boards;
  • calling companies and clients;

At first, think less about reputation and mistakes. Your task is to gain experience and knowledge for further growth. Therefore, do not be afraid to take on tasks in which you may currently understand nothing at all.

This may cause you some minor problems, but they are not catastrophic. In particular, if you take an order and fail to complete it, your reputation will decline in a negative direction and, one day, you may be banned because of this.

It’s okay, register again, just under a different name, email, and also from a different computer if you have a static IP address. What is an IP address and how to change it, see here.

Over time, when you gain experience, knowledge and realize that there are enough tasks for your work, then you need to seriously think about your reputation, because it will play one of the important roles when the customer selects the people he needs.

The more yellow stars you have, the more likely you are to be selected as a performer. Also, don’t forget to collect feedback on your work.

If you still have any questions about working in the Workzilla service, ask them in the comments to this post.

Posting Rules

To post topics and messages you need.

By participating in the forum, participants express confidence in the administration in making any decisions related to the interpretation and compliance with the rules of the forum.

Forum Rules

The rules apply to all users. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from the penalties provided for them.

Targetrules– contribute to the creation and maintenance of a comfortable atmosphere for communication in the forum, built on mutual respect among participants.

These rules are neither of a purely permissive nature (everything that is not permitted is prohibited) nor of a purely restrictive nature (everything that is not prohibited is permitted).

Moderators do not interpret the rules literally or formally; in controversial issues they are guided only by the purpose of the created rules and common sense considerations. Each controversial situation that arises on the forum is resolved strictly individually.

The administration of the forums understands and enforces the rules of the forums according to its own understanding, guided by its own ideas about the value of a particular participant for the forum.

At the forum, it is customary to express your thoughts in the state language - Russian.

The forum is pre-moderated for new users (posts on the forum are posted after they are checked by a moderator). After passing pre-moderation, participants will be able to leave messages directly on the forum.

All messages reflect the opinions of their authors; the company and administration do not bear any responsibility for their content. Personal data of Users (IP address) who posted messages are provided only upon requests from official bodies (Prosecutor's Office, department “K”, etc.).

The administration has the right, without giving any reason, to delete any topic, delete or block an account.

Only moderators and super-moderators decide to close, delete, rename or move a topic, who has/does not have the right to speak, and other moderation issues.

Users can ask any questions they may have through technical support, the link to which is located at the bottom of all pages of the site.

The administration reserves the right to change the rules.

Making changes, clarifications and additions to the rules does not entail the revision and cancellation of existing and past penalties.

If you disagree with the actions of a moderator or super-moderator, the user may refuse further use of our forum.

List of some terms used on the forum.

“Avatar” is a graphic image (fig., photo), which is located in messages under the user’s nickname.

“Super moderator” is a senior moderator, vested with certain rights and responsibilities, who monitors compliance with the forum rules, as well as the work of moderators. Makes the final decision on any forum moderation issues.

“Ban” – prohibits the user from sending any messages in the forum.

“Personal correspondence” is a dialogue outside the public discussion on the forum, occurring through the private messaging system.

“Moderator” is a trusted representative of the super moderator with editing powers and additional responsibilities in the assigned section.

“Moderation” is a set of measures aimed at maintaining order on the forum.

“Nick” is the username on the forum by which he is addressed on the forum.

“Signature” is the text posted by the user on his personal page, which is automatically added after each message he leaves.

“Passport” is a collection of personal data of the user, which stores information: about an avatar, photograph, signature, status, additional personal data and other information.

Forum accounts

It is prohibited to create nicknames, avatars that are similar or copy existing accounts on the site (users and moderators).


  • The administration does not recommend making adjustments to the names of nicknames or allowing a third party to use the account.
  • It is prohibited to use obscenities, website addresses, e-mails, names of organizations, etc. in nicknames.


It is prohibited to place avatars containing:

  • Scenes of violence, threats, insults, profanity, obscene gestures.
  • Use of extremist symbols;
  • Pornography: barely covered or exposed intimate parts of the body, also presented in close-up, violating generally accepted moral and ethical standards;
  • Advertising and website addresses, e-mails, phone numbers, logos and names of organizations.


It is prohibited to place in the signature: obscenities, website addresses, e-mail, advertising, etc.

Rights of forum participants

Anyone can become a user who has registered and studied the forum rules.

Create topics that do not contradict these rules, posting them in the appropriate sections of the forum.

Edit your messages and delete topics created by him.

Communicate using the personal messaging system with other users and administration representatives.

As a rule, the administration of the forums enters into correspondence with participants if the participant’s request is drawn up correctly and correctly, and does not violate these rules, however, it reserves the right:

  • not respond to all letters sent to her. For example, questions whose answers are in the rules or self-evident are ignored;
  • do not explain the reasons that guide her for taking certain actions.
  • do not respond to letters containing rudeness and obscene language addressed to her (the authors of the letters are blacklisted, after which letters coming from these users are ignored.)

Change your account settings.

Express your wishes and ask general questions related to moderation, which may be of interest to other participants, in the appropriate section on the forum (“Questions for the administration and forum moderators”).

Any user can complain to the moderator if he sees messages on the forum that do not comply with the rules, using the “Bring to the attention of the moderator” button in the user’s message.

Submit an appeal to the moderator who issued the punishment, but only in relation to your account.

The use by users of their rights should not harm the rights and interests of other users and the forum itself.

Forum moderation

The forum is post-moderated, i.e. The presence of a particular message in the forums does not mean that it complies with the rules.

All questions, suggestions, comments, appeals to the forum administration regarding forum moderation should be asked only through the feedback page, by sending private messages to the moderator, but not in public forums.

In cases where the moderator considers that any action or message of a forum participant is contrary to the spirit of the forum and the rules, although it does not formally fall within the scope of any specific clause of these rules, he has the right to deal with such message at his own discretion, and also apply sanctions to the forum participant. The rules of a particular topic may provide for other prohibitions or, on the contrary, classify certain actions as permissible in this topic.

Forum moderators are persons vested with certain rights to maintain order in the forum.

Violations for which penalties follow.

All violations are divided into categories. 1 (mild), the level of punishment for violations in this category is 1-2 points. 2 (average) - level of punishment for violations belonging to this category of 3-4 points. 3 (severe) - for violations belonging to this category, 5 points (ban) are given.

It is prohibited on the forum.

  • Create a topic with only one link in the original message without stating the essence of the upcoming discussion and a copy of an important part of the source text. These topics are considered advertising and spam.
  • Create identical topics in different threads.
  • Creating topics in an inappropriate section of the forum.
  • Purposeful duplication of a large number of topics (from 3) in different threads, or in one, copying the headings and/or text of the first message of topics created by other users.
  • Place in messages flood And offtopic(cleaning of the topic is done at the request of the topic author).

Offtopic is messages that are not related to the stated topic. For example, a question that is not related to the topic, and entails the appearance of a mountain of meaningless messages.

Flood is messages that do not carry any information content (messages containing only emoticons, a meaningless set of characters, repeated messages, etc.)

  • Create provocations, provocative topics (topics that force users to violate forum rules when responding). When responding to provocations, all parties to the conflict receive violations, and not just the author himself.
  • flame(a showdown between users, which is a verbal war that is not related to the original cause of the dispute and does not give any constructive result, often including personal attacks, deliberately humiliating users, mocking or insulting, aimed at further inciting a quarrel.
  • Post messages containing insults.

Insults are any deliberate illegal action that contains a manifestation of disrespect for another person. It can consist either in a direct manifestation of disrespect, directed directly at a given person, or in any conscious intrusion into someone else’s legal sphere, personal or property, no matter what immediate goals the offender pursues. In the criminal law of the Russian Federation, insult is one of the crimes against the honor and dignity of a person and is punishable under Article 130 of the Criminal Code of Russia. The concept of insult is not limited to the use of obscenity: it also presupposes a focus on a specific person (addressee) and intentionality. When insulted, it does not matter whether the negative assessment of the victim’s personality is true.

  • Deliberately distort nicknames (equates to an insult), regularly use accurate transliteration of nicknames. This ban is considered an insult if a complaint is received from the user whose nickname was distorted.
  • Post on the forum Topics, wearingprivatecharacter, such as: “Get in touch”, “Why aren’t you answering me”, etc. These issues should be resolved through the private messaging system.
  • Discussion of the actions, competence of moderators, super-moderators, and their personal characteristics. And also show any form of disrespect for the resource administration, discuss forum rules, possible technical bugs (use them for personal purposes) on the forum (if desired, you can report them through the private message system to the super moderator).
  • Post topics on the forum discussing the punishments imposed.
  • Post messages containing rudetrolling– directed negative pressure on one of the users, or a group of users, characterized by systematicity and attachment to a specific individual or group of individuals, sometimes including targeted persecution of the participant in various topics.
  • Post messages containing trolling- posting provocative messages with the aim of causing conflicts between participants, mutual insults, etc.
  • Post messages containing advertising, advertising links, including to competing projects (using the forum site to promote your own resources).
  • Post personal correspondence, or any other personal data of the user without his consent (photo, phone number, ICQ, e-mail, addresses, car numbers, full names (if the person does not have an account with such data), etc. .)
  • Move on to a discussion of the personal qualities of the participants, which has a negative connotation and offends the feelings of the participant.
  • Post information about methods and methods of production, use, and places of purchase of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
  • Post information about methods of committing suicide, as well as calls to commit suicide.
  • Post posts containing: extortion, blackmail and threats of physical violence.
  • Log out blocked users under a clone (similar nickname). The ban issued to the violator applies to all his accounts. Coming out under a similar nickname while the ban is in effect is punishable by an increase in the sentence.
  • Post obscene language in messages, including in relation to the personality, nationality, racial, religious, or political affiliation of another participant in communication in the forum or a group of people in general. Mat - any of its types. All messages with obscenities are completely removed from the topic by the moderators. The swear word in the topic title is immediately blocked.
  • Discuss currently blocked users.
  • Post messages containing violations of the law, including: propaganda of fascism, extremism, terrorism; offensive statements addressed to persons and bodies of state and municipal authorities; calls for violation of current legislation.
  • Use in messages boorishstatements in relation to users, moderators, super-moderators, site administration (the decision is made by the super-moderator).
  • Boorishstatements - words that are arguably offensive, used specifically in phrases with a negative connotation. Rudeness is a deliberate manifestation of disrespect and a position of superiority towards a person, expressed in words and gestures or the lack thereof. A harsh, rude, arrogant, impudent, disrespectful statement.

    Use in messages vulgarstatements on the verge of obscenity, depraved acts and distribution of pornography, obvious sexual harassment of the forum participants (s) in a provocative manner. (obscenity - profanity (obscene expressions, unprintable language) or obscene language (from the English obscene obscene, dirty, shameless, gross vulgar expressions, taboo words).


The decision to punish the violator is made by the moderator or administrator. Violation of the above rules may result in the following measures:

  1. Moderating messages.
  2. Closing the topic.
  3. Deleting a message or an entire topic. Please note: if a message contains serious violations of the rules (for example, obscene language or insults), then it may be completely deleted (rather than edited) regardless of whether there is any other valuable information in it or how much time and effort it takes the author spent on writing it.
  4. For each violation of the rules, the participant may receive a reprimand and penalty points. If 5 or more penalty points are scored, the participant is automatically deprived of the right to send messages to the forum.
  5. Each punishment has a certain period of validity and is removed automatically after this period.

In case of violation of the first category, level 1-2 is set for a period of 1 to 5 days

In case of violation of the second category, level 3-4 is set for a period of 2 to 10 days

In case of violation of the third category, level 5 is set for a period of 3 to 30 days

Recurrence of violations:

  • 1st category. The deadlines are doubled;
  • 2nd category. Terms increase 4 times;
  • Category 3. The time frame increases 6 times.

User accounts are subject to deletion.

  • Systematically placing advertisements;
  • Putting swear words into your nickname or avatar;
  • Provocateurs who use clones to create a negative environment on the forum.

For systematic violations of the forum rules (a participant has 10 bans in the punishment table), the super moderator has the right to block the user’s account for a year.

The decision to delete an account on the forum is made by the super moderator.

Please bring this to the moderator's attention.

Any user can complain to the moderator if he sees messages on the forum that do not comply with the rules by using the button Please bring this to the moderator's attention. in the user's message.


Any user can complain about the actions of the administrator forum moderators using the button technical support, which is located at the bottom of all pages of the site.
