If the phone is turned off and does not turn on. If Android does not load beyond the logo

4 years ago

Hi all. Today I would like to look at all the most common reasons why an Android smartphone may not turn on. I will not touch on situations where disassembling the phone and interfering with the electronics is required, since this is the work of completely different specialists.

If your smartphone or tablet suddenly stops turning on, you don’t have to immediately run to a service center or workshop and have it repaired. Most likely, there is a chance that you can do it on your own and save some money (programs for home accounting on Android will also help you save money, look for them on the blog). Below we will look at the main measures that can be taken if your Android smartphone or tablet does not turn on. So, let's get started.

Android phone won't turn on. 5 ways to solve the problem.

Method No. 1

From my own experience, I will say that in 80% of all cases, if they come to me with a problem that the phone does not turn on, the whole problem turns out to be a dead battery. And I understand perfectly well when they tell me that they’ve been charging their smartphone all day, but it still won’t turn on. Some devices have one unpleasant feature - if you discharge the battery too much, it will not charge, even if you keep it on charge all day.

In this case, a frog-type charger will help us, which allows you to charge almost any battery directly by removing it from the phone. It is enough to recharge the battery in this way for 15 minutes. Then you insert it back and put the phone on charge as usual, everything should be OK.

If getting a frog is problematic for you, then you can use any old cell phone charger. Cut off the old plug and protect the wires.

Make sure that the charger is not connected to the outlet at this time.

We fix the exposed wires to the battery with tape for a few minutes.

Important. Do not reverse the polarity.

Method No. 2

Faulty charging. Of course, the second thing to check is the serviceability of the charger. Everything is simple here - we take a known working charger and try to charge our smartphone. If the process has started, then we buy a new one and rejoice. Although it sounds banal, it helps every fifth person.

Method No. 3

If the phone does not turn on, then perhaps it is simply frozen. To revive your device, we’ll use a long-known but still relevant method - remove the battery and reinsert it.

Unfortunately, this technique does not work on many modern phones with non-removable batteries. In this case, to reboot you need to find the reset button and press it, for example with a paper clip. It can be anywhere, but, as a rule, it is located near the SIM card slot or on the back of the smartphone or tablet. Near the reset button there is sometimes a message reset or off. The photo below is an example of the location of such a button in a smartphone.

Method No. 4

This method is applicable if your phone not only does not turn on, but does not turn on completely. For example, it gets stuck on your Android logo and nothing else happens. This happens due to a glitch in the smartphone software. Then a hard reset or, translated, a hard reset, will help us. It is done differently for each device model. To find out how, enter the name of your phone and the words hard reset, for example LG G3 hard reset, in Google or Yandex and follow the instructions. In the future I hope to create a separate section on this topic on the blog.

Unfortunately, not all smartphones support hard reset; it depends on the recovery installed in the device. If you are interested in learning more about what it is, search the Internet.

For example, this function is not available by default in many Sony phones, but the manufacturer has provided the ability to restore the software using a special Sony pc companion utility.

Method No. 5

Not often, but it still happens that smartphone won't turn on due to the fact that the contacts under the battery do not reach. To fix this, you need to use tweezers or a small screwdriver to bend the contacts to improve the connection to the battery. The main thing here is to avoid fanaticism, otherwise you will only make things worse.

If none of the methods helped and your phone still won’t turn on, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware itself and only a service center can help you.

Sincerely, Ivan Derbenev.

A mobile phone is a unique device that is very difficult for a modern person to do without. It is he who helps to solve difficult work issues, arrange a meeting with business partners, listen to the favorite voice of relatives and loved ones, handle in case of an accident, etc.

It's nice to know that you have this useful and always available "friend" in your pocket. But what a disappointment if at some point you notice that your Android phone does not turn on? What to do in such a situation? And what to do if, on the contrary, it does not turn off?

Don't rush to conclusions

So, if your smartphone or mobile phone with the Android operating system installed suddenly stops turning on or off, there is no need to panic right away. Firstly, if you behave calmly, it will relieve your nerves from overstrain, and secondly, it will protect you from unreasonable actions.

In particular, if you are not a phone repair specialist, do not rush to immediately disassemble your smartphone piece by piece and see what’s broken. This approach will not save, but on the contrary, will bring a lot of new problems.

We look for the reason and reason

If your phone turns on and off, then there are no questions about its operation. If, on the contrary, it does not turn on, it is worth finding out the reason. So, let’s assume that recently your smartphone was working properly and suddenly stopped. What can be wrong?

Carefully inspect the smartphone and make another attempt to turn it on. If this does not happen, try connecting it to a charger. It is quite possible that the reason for everything is a battery that has died prematurely. And if this is the case, then after some time your mobile phone will turn on without any problems and work in full mode.

When doing this, pay attention to your battery charge. If you just charged your smartphone a day ago, and it has already died, then audit all the options involved in the phone that work in continuous mode. As we have already determined, quite often the Android phone does not turn on due to a low battery charge.

It should be noted that the battery may run low due to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Viber being turned on around the clock, which are famous for their ability to quickly consume your current battery charge. If this is the case, use alternative software that allows you to save battery power, or enable the above options only as you use them. You shouldn't keep them on all day.

The reason is not the charge, but the battery

Don't know why your phone turns off and on only for a couple of minutes? Perhaps the problem is far from the charge. According to the instructions, each battery has its own service life of 2-2.6 years. Therefore, the cause of problems with your phone may be a faulty battery. Then all that remains is to replace it with a new one, and you can use your unit without any problems at any time of the day.

The wires or contacts in the phone have come loose

We connected the charger - the Android phone does not turn on. What to do in this case? Carefully inspect your smartphone again. Carefully examine all wiring and connections. It is quite possible that your charger has a bad contact, or one of the wires has come loose. The existing connectors can be checked using a special screwdriver with an indicator, which is applied to the joint.

Also, as an alternative, you can replace the charger and check whether the phone will charge or not.

If the battery indicator is blinking

If your Fly phone does not turn on, you connect it to the charger, and the light on it continues to blink, this may indicate a faulty battery or that yours is not transferring charge to the battery. This is why you should not keep your mobile device in the open sun. To avoid overheating, place it in the shade.

The phone does not turn off or does not turn on due to the start button

The cause of your smartphone not working may be a malfunction in the on/off button. It may come off, it loses contact, etc. The keyboard may also stick, for example, if it gets wet, or become blocked as a result of the phone being dropped. If any of these variations exist in your smartphone, you must immediately contact a specialist service center. In this case, only experts will be able to determine the cause of the breakdown.

To restore the operation of your device, the following actions are suitable:

  • replacement ;
  • restoration of assembly soldering;
  • replacing the keyboard controller;
  • Carrying out complete cleaning and purging of the device.

It's all the fault of the memory card

If your Fly phone does not turn on, it may be due to a faulty or defective memory card. This happens if it was purchased from a dubious store or was released by an incomprehensible and unknown organization. As a result of this, your phone, as people say, “freezes and glitches.” To avoid this, try to purchase the card at the same place where you bought the phone. Or give preference to popular manufacturing companies.

In addition, there may be too much information recorded on your memory card. For the same reason, there may be malfunctions in the operation of the smartphone. To avoid this, perform formatting on time.

The reason is a virus program

If your Samsung Galaxy phone does not turn on, the reason may be a virus that has penetrated the Android system. You can “pick up” it while downloading a gaming application, watching videos or pictures. In a word, install an antivirus on your smartphone and update it regularly. And also try to avoid going to dubious sites and forums. In the end, if no actions with the phone bring positive results, you can always reflash the phone and it will work like new.

Smartphone screen does not turn off

Sometimes, after turning off, your smartphone screen may not turn off. On the contrary, standard phone screensavers in the “Hello Moto” style may appear on it (may differ depending on the manufacturer). In this case, the screen does not go dark, and the phone does not turn off, and also does not respond to other commands. What to do? In this situation, the easiest option is to open the back cover of the phone, pull it out and put it back in. As a result, the phone will turn off and then turn on, resetting the initial “stuck” settings.

If even after such simple manipulations the Lenovo phone does not turn on, try doing the same thing by additionally removing and inserting your SIM card back.

The reason is software updates

Another reason why the phone stops responding to the shutdown command is that the package of software updates included in the package is too heavy. For example, you downloaded an updated version of your browser, and the phone first stopped responding to your requests, and then refused to turn off. What to do? In this case, remove the back panel cover and remove the battery for 2-3 seconds, then turn it on and remove the newly downloaded updates.

We remember the events of the past days

When your Android phone doesn't turn on - what to do? Sometimes you can find the answer to this question only by remembering the events of past days. To do this, recreate in your memory all your actions that you have performed recently. For example, you could accidentally drop your smartphone, sit on it, or push it off the dresser while cleaning.

If the cause of your mobile device malfunction is a fall from a height, even a small one, you should immediately contact a repairman.

Phone won't turn on after flashing

If you sent your phone for firmware, but after it your device still does not turn on, contact the organization that performed this procedure. In extreme cases, they will discover the error and redo their work.

The reason here may lie in an error. In addition, it is recommended to contact the service center and report that the phone does not turn on after flashing the firmware. Then order a full computer diagnostic. Thanks to this service, you will understand the cause of the malfunction and next time you will be able to prevent it in time.

The reason is an incorrectly configured blocking

Let's say your phone was in your pocket or purse, you wanted to make a call and found that your smartphone was turned off. With what it can be connected? The reason may be that you accidentally pressed the power button. This happens, as a rule, if you have not configured automatic or manual. To avoid this, do not forget to turn on the block after a conversation or SMS correspondence.

The reason is weather phenomena

Let's consider one more case. Suppose you put your smartphone on charge and went to bed, there was a thunderstorm at night, and in the morning you discovered that your Android phone does not turn on. What to do? First, carry out the above procedure on the battery. Secondly, alternately press the power key and volume key.

If there is no effect on your actions, you should take the phone in for repair. It is quite possible that he was struck by lightning. To avoid this problem, try not to charge your mobile phone at night. You should not do this during a thunderstorm either.

Almost every person has a mobile phone, be it a regular dialer or a fancy, expensive smartphone. This is such an important thing in everyday life that with any failure, a person feels as if he has no hands. However, this is a complex technique, and complex technology, especially electronics, tends to fail. It often happens that the smartphone suddenly turns off on its own. Today I will be looking for an answer to a popular question: the phone suddenly turned off and won’t turn on, what should I do? To solve this problem, you need to understand the reasons that caused this.

Battery problem

If the phone turns off and does not turn on, then you need to check its charge level. The battery may be completely discharged, and the problem will be solved after plugging in the mobile phone. If after a while the smartphone still does not turn on, then the problem should be looked deeper.

In modern smartphone models, the battery runs out very quickly, sometimes you may not even notice how it suddenly turns off. If it happens that the charge does not last more than a day, disable all additional options on Android. This way you can extend the life of the battery.

It would seem that the phone has just been charged, but it turns off and does not turn on. This problem may occur due to an old battery. Typically, its service life is no more than 2.5 years. If the phone turns off and does not turn on for this reason, then you need to purchase a new battery.

Battery indicator flashes

It also happens that after connecting the power supply to the Android phone, the battery indicator continues to blink. The reason for this may be normal overheating of the device. This is why the smartphone does not become infected. Another reason why your phone is dead and won’t turn on could be a faulty battery. In this case, for the smartphone to work, you need to change it.

The charger wire is broken

A common reason for an Android to turn off and not turn on is a broken charger wire. Many users complain about a similar problem, but with enough careful handling, the charging cable will last a long time. If the phone is dead, and after charging it does not turn on, then the reason may be in the wires. Maybe the contact has come loose, or maybe a core in the wire has broken off. You can check this using another charger with a micro USB connector.

The reason that the Samsung phone turns off and does not turn on may be a malfunction of the on/off button. This can happen for many reasons, including the key sticking after moisture gets into it, due to a fall of the mobile phone, as well as many other reasons.

Restoring the functionality of the button

  • The key membrane needs to be replaced.
  • Restore assembly soldering.
  • Replace the key controller.
  • Clean the device.

If the Samsung turns off and does not turn on, then the problem may be in the memory card. Sometimes it happens that it is faulty from the very beginning, in fact it is a defective product, and sometimes it is simply used incorrectly. As a result, the android begins to glitch and spontaneously perform various actions.

It is possible that it is glitching due to too much information on the memory card. For everything to start working, you just need to clean it; it will be enough to format it using Android.

Viruses have penetrated your smartphone

What should you do if your Samsung phone suddenly turns off and won’t turn on? Perhaps a virus has entered the Android system. It could come from recently downloaded programs, games, or from the Internet. To prevent such incidents from happening, every Android should have an antivirus that will protect it and maximize the life of the device. Also, you should not go to unfamiliar sites, as this is often where viruses that are dangerous to the system come from. You don’t have to download anything, just open an infected page and Samsung will be infected.

How to restore your phone on your own

What should you do if your Samsung phone turns itself off and won’t turn on, but you don’t want to contact the service center?
You need to reset all settings to factory settings. In this case, everything will be erased except contacts, messages, call lists and files that are in the smartphone’s memory.

Cleaning the system from unnecessary files

We remove everything unnecessary, including applications, photos, music; it is best to completely reset the device.

Reset to factory settings

  • Hold down the "volume up" and "power" buttons.
  • Select “Wipe data/factory reset” from the list.
  • Click “Reboot system now” and wait until the system restarts.
  • Flashing. The Internet is full of firmware options for any mobile device. If your Samsung phone turns off and won’t turn on, then flashing it will be an excellent option to help your device.

Samsung turns on until the inscription “Samsung”

  • If the Samsung does not turn on completely, what should I do? First you need to check the operating system, it may have crashed. To solve the problem, you just need to update Android to the latest version. If after this the Samsung does not turn on, then you need to dig deeper.
  • If the phone continues to boot only up to the logo, we try to remove the SIM card, battery, memory card, and then reinsert them into their places.
  • If after this the phone does not work, try to charge the phone, perhaps the phone has simply died. Android devices can run out of battery quickly, especially if they are loaded with extra features or have too many apps installed on the system. Some may turn out to be malicious and can easily destroy all your data.
  • Press the key combination (volume up, power button, main menu key). They need to be held until the menu lights up or the OS starts updating.
  • If the phone does not turn on, what should I do? You need to try to revive your mobile phone yourself. but you should be extremely careful, if it comes to assembling and disassembling the device, then it is better not to get into it without the appropriate skills. Therefore, we put our hands on our feet and run to a familiar expert who repairs Android equipment, fortunately there are now plenty of experts.

Service center help

It is not always possible to solve problems on your own; the phone may not turn on because the battery is simply dead, or because an important microcircuit or an entire module has failed. You won’t be able to re-solder the board yourself, especially since you need special, expensive equipment.

If your phone does not turn on, this can make any user nervous, but in any case, before taking the device to a service center, you can try to provide first aid to resuscitate the smartphone. Problems due to which the phone does not turn on can be either software, for example, a problem with the firmware due to an unsuccessful update, or hardware, for example, due to a failed battery.

Below we have tried to put together a lot of tips that will help you figure out why your phone won't turn on. If none of the tips helped you, please describe your problem in the comments.

The phone does not turn on after repair.

If you decide to disassemble the phone yourself, and after assembly it does not turn on, then the problem may be that you simply forgot to connect power to the motherboard of your device. You must disassemble it again and make sure that the power supply circuit from the battery to the motherboard is not broken and all cables are in place. If you have a multimeter, try checking the voltage on the battery, or after assembling the phone, try putting it on charge. Almost all phones notify you when charging starts, even if the device is turned off.

What to do if water gets into your smartphone

Let's look at the hardware reasons why the smartphone won't turn on.
One of the reasons may be falling into water. What to do if your phone falls into water? First, remove the battery, you need to do this as quickly as possible, then dry your smartphone with a hairdryer. Control the air; it should not be hot, otherwise the touch glass and some other components will simply begin to peel off. Then, without inserting the battery into the smartphone, put it in a warm place. It is worth noting that you do not have much chance of salvation and it may not be possible without losses. In particular, the buttons on the device may stop working. If you have dried your smartphone, but it does not turn on, it needs repair at a service center. The worst thing that can happen is replacing the system board, which, by the way, It costs as much as a smartphone itself.

The smartphone does not turn on after being completely discharged.

This problem is observed in some modern smartphones. In particular, Sony phones. Some Sony phones had such a feature that it was impossible to turn them on after being completely discharged if the phone was in this state for a long time. One thing helps - long-term charging of the battery with a current of 2A. And these are almost all chargers.

In any case, as I already wrote above, you need to put your smartphone on charge for several hours. Usually the problem goes away on its own. You can try a charger with a higher amperage, for example, 1.5 or 2 Amps.

Also try making your smartphone.

Check the battery. The phone may not turn on due to a faulty battery.

This is a must. If you have a removable battery and can install another one, do so. Sometimes, although not often, the problem that prevents your smartphone from turning on may be the battery. By the way, is your battery fully charged? Maybe this is the case?

With some phones, especially if the phone is several years old, the actual battery charge may not match what your phone shows. If your phone won't turn on, try charging it for a few hours. It is possible that the battery will charge and the phone will turn on.

The battery wears out very quickly. Many mobile phone manufacturers provide a one-year warranty on the device itself, and half a year on the battery. The reason for battery failure is quite simple - a very heavy load on it. We constantly charge our phone, and as you know, batteries lose their charge with each charge-discharge cycle. For example, standard lithium-ion batteries installed in our phones work properly under load for no more than two and a half years.

Check the charger.

If your smartphone is dead and it won’t turn on again, maybe it’s a charging issue? Try charging your device from your computer. If the phone shows no signs of life within half an hour, the problem is not with the charger. If the phone seems to be charging, but cannot charge, check the charger on another phone. It is quite possible that it will need to be replaced with a new one.

The phone does not turn on after being dropped. Mechanical damage.

Smartphone manufacturers like to say that their phones cannot be scratched, drowned or broken. Manufacturers give their phones Gorilla Glass screen protection, IP67 water resistance, shockproof casing, and so on. Despite all the phone protection measures taken by companies, it often happens that the phone does not turn on after being dropped. For example, on asphalt or falling into water. Unfortunately, all that can be done at home after a fall is to see if the battery, power cable or display cable has come loose, if there is a sound or vibration signal to turn it on.

It’s unlikely that you can do anything more with a dropped phone at home. To do this, you need to check the voltage on the battery and on the system board. If your phone is dropped and won’t turn on, and you don’t have the necessary tools at home, you will have to take the phone to a service center.

After the firmware the phone does not turn on.

One of the most common reasons why a phone may not turn on is due to an incorrectly installed firmware or update. After flashing or updating the phone does not turn on due to incorrect installation of files. In this case, you will need to flash the phone. For example, if your Samsung phone does not turn on, then you will need to download the firmware from the official Samsung website and the Odin flashing program. Using this program you can flash your phone. All settings and files on the internal memory will be deleted, but there is a chance that the phone will turn on.

If Lenovo phone won't turn on, then in this case you will need to enter Recovery mode by simultaneously pressing the power and volume up keys. In the Recovery menu you will need to select the wipe data/factory reset menu item, and then Yes - delete all user data. Unfortunately, different phones have different ways to access the Recovery menu. If you are sure that you installed the official firmware or an official update, then contact the manufacturer’s authorized service center, they will restore the firmware.

But we recommend you try perform a Hard Reset by resetting the phone to factory settings. Very often this helps if the phone does not turn on. Below we have selected key combinations for popular phones.

Samsung phone won't turn on: Press and hold the volume rocker up, the center menu button and the power button at the same time.

LG phone won't turn on: Press and hold the power button and volume down button at the same time, then select wipe data/factory reset.

Huawei phone won't turn on: Press and hold the Volume Up key and the Power button at the same time. You can try pressing the home button, volume up key and power button.

If your other phone does not turn on after flashing, write the exact model in the comments. We will try to help you.

The phone turns on and turns off immediately, what should I do?

It often happens that after updating or installing a program, your phone turns on and immediately turns off. Usually it looks like this: the phone turns on, the logo appears, the boot process takes place and the phone goes into an eternal reboot or turns off. There can be a lot of problems here, from the firmware to the battery. If you have a problem with your phone after flashing or updating the device, then roll back to the previous firmware or reset the settings. Will help.

Sometimes the phone turns off while the device is booting up. Consider your phone does not turn on and the advice from the previous paragraph will help you. You must perform a HARD RESET or flashing the device using a computer.

If you have not updated the firmware, then the whole issue may be the power button, which “sticks” and turns off the phone. Unfortunately, this happens very often, especially if the phone ends up in water. In almost all smartphones, the button is soldered to the motherboard and can be replaced.

If The phone turns off and turns off immediately after the complete download, when you see the desktop and icons, then try to remove the last installed programs, if, of course, you have enough time for this.

The phone may turn off immediately due to the battery. Check the battery and system board cables. Even if a smartphone has a “non-removable” battery, removing it is not that difficult. In any case, if you are sure that the problem is not in the firmware, then you can most likely find out exactly the problem due to which the phone turns on and off immediately at a service center. Again, the problem is either in the firmware or in the power circuit.

These simple steps can help you provide first aid if your smartphone won't turn on. If none of these points suits you, take the device to the store if it is under warranty or to a phone repair service center if it is no longer under warranty.

On some phones, users who at one time enabled RTH rights sometimes encounter the following problem: when starting up, the phone writes the message “Starting Android, optimizing the application” and does not turn on. What to do in such cases? Sometimes you just have to wait, and for a noticeably long time (up to 30 minutes) - until all the planned synchronization takes place, which will subsequently need to be turned off.

If the phone still boots after synchronization, we recommend clearing the cache. It is the incorrect functioning of the cache on Android that causes this problem. The most convenient way to do this is to install a free application from the Google Play Market: Clean Master Lite. This is if, after much thought, your phone still starts up.

Download Clean Master Lite to clear the Android cache

If you do not have the Internet at hand or have other problems that prevent you from clearing the cache through the application, do it manually by launching recovery mode on Android.

1. Turn off the phone,
2. Press and hold the “Power” button and the lower “Volume” button,
3. Wait for the recovery menu to appear and select the “Recovery” item using the sound control buttons,
4. Next in the menu the line “No command” will appear,
5. Click on the “Power on” button and in the new menu select the “Wipe cache partition” item
6. Reboot the phone by selecting “Reboot system now”.

If the steps described in this guide did not help and the phone still writes when turned on: “Starting Android, optimizing the application” and does not start, you will need to reset to factory settings. It will affect the data on your phone - remember that. So back up the contents of your phone in advance.
